A Product Review of Kelly Howell’s “Guided Meditation” CD

Although meditation has been recognized as being beneficial on a spiritual level, it also has many health benefits such as: reducing stress and anxiety, helping post operative healing, reducing PMS symptoms, lowering your blood pressure, building self confidence, and the list can go on and on.

Kelly Howell is widely acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. Over the years she has worked with many eminent scientists and brain researches to develop a technique of “brain therapy” which includes subliminal positive persuasion that reprograms thoughts with soothing meditation music. This also includes theta waves to aid you in a deep meditation state. Theta waves are seen in the brain when you are in a light drowsy state. I have been using Kelly Howell’s “Guided Meditation” for a couple of years now. It has to be one of the best guided meditation CDs out there, especially for beginners. Personally, it’s like I’m returning to my innocence. You need to use headphones to get the real impact of the meditation. There are two sides to the CD.

On the first side, you hear her soft spoken, silky voice taking you on a journey up a mountain. She reminds you to take your deep breathes because deep slow breathing is important when you meditate. Once you get to the mountain, you see a door, and before you realize it you are entering a place of your own uniqueness, a place of regeneration of you mind and soul. Your body begins to relax, and you are uncluttering your mind of busy thoughts. It is easy to fall asleep. And that’s fine, too, because the benefits are the same.

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On the side two of the CD, you can create your own personal meditation while listening to the similar music and brain wave therapy. Each side takes about thirty minutes. After coming out of side one, if I have time, I like to immediately go to the second side because I’m very relaxed by then and I can easily do my “own thing”.

After having some stress in my life with some close deaths in the family, I heard about how mediation can heal the mind and body. However, my mind was always so busy that I could not do this alone. I found that having a guided meditation helped me focus on stilling my thoughts. The important thing that I found was to have the right voice and music compatibility. With Kelly Howell’s “Guided Meditation”, I found it. I even talked my husband into trying it. Comparing our notes, we found that we now yearn to go through this state of mind because we have both seen the benefits on our minds and bodies.
