Lowering Blood Pressure Immediately

Blood pressure is said to be normal if it is below 120/80 (systolic/diastolic) mmHg. Pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg is categorized as high blood pressure or hypertension. The intermediate range indicates pre-hypertension which is a precursor to high blood pressure. Hypertension, if left untreated can lead to life threatening problems such as stroke, cardiac problems, kidney disease, vision impairment, etc. So, as soon as pre-hypertension or hypertension is diagnosed, every step for lowering blood pressure immediately must be carefully undertaken.

Common causes of hypertension:
1. Old Age
2. Genetic predisposition
3. Stress/emotional turbulence
4. Obesity
5. Insufficient physical activity
6. Unhealthy diet, excess salt intake
7. Alcohol
8. Smoking

High blood pressure often goes unnoticed because it does not manifest symptoms until it advances to a serious extent. When it does manifest, symptoms such as headache, dizziness, restlessness, visual disturbances, vomiting, etc. may be experienced.

Though threatening, the good news is many treatment options are available for lowering blood pressure immediately. If diagnosed in early stages, modification
in lifestyle and dietary habits often restores normal blood pressure. But if such modifications fail to control high blood pressure or hypertension is diagnosed in advanced stages or is accompanied by serious problems such as atherosclerosis or kidney disease, drugs are usually the primary treatment.

Treatment options for hypertension
Drugs for lowering blood pressure immediately:
One or a combination of more of the following type of drugs is used to treat hypertension.
* ACE (Angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors dilate the blood vessels, increase blood flow, reduce the workload on the heart, prevents the damage of the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys. Examples: captopril, ramipril
* ARB (Angiotensin II receptor blockers) block certain chemicals responsible for narrowing the blood vessels. ARBs are generally prescribed in ACEs are not tolerated well. Examples: valsartan, losartan
* Diuretics lower blood pressure immediately by getting the body to expel salts and fluids from the body. Examples: spironolactone, HCTZ
* Beta-blockers reduce the workload of the heart by exerting action through the sympathetic nervous system. Examples: acebutolol, betaxolol
* Calcium channel blockers decrease the calcium intake of the cell of the heart muscle and reduce the extent of muscular contraction of the heart when pumping blood. This lowers blood pressure. Examples: amlodipine, felodipine

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These drugs are effective in lowering blood pressure immediately. Lower blood pressure is usually seen within a few day to a few weeks of the treatment. The drugs do not cure the underlying problem and are usually taken for life to keep the pressure under control. Side-effects from these drugs could include dizziness, dehydration, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythm, etc. So to keep the required dosage at a minimum, treatment must be accompanied by appropriate diet, moderate physical activity and a stress-free lifestyle to lead a healthy life. Smoking and alcohol could interfere with the effectiveness of these drugs; so they must be avoided.

Holistic Treatment for lowering blood pressure immediatelyDiet
The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) advocates a diet low in salt, free of trans-fats and cholesterol and low total fat content for lowering blood pressure. Meals should include large amounts of fiber, fruits, vegetables, salads, whole grains, nuts. Vegetarian meals are the encouraged. Meals should be moderate in amount and may include poultry and fish. Red meat is not advised. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.

Better diet could start effecting improved blood pressure levels within a few weeks to several months depending on the severity of hypertension and accompanying symptoms.

Holistic Treatment for lowering blood pressure immediatelyPhysical activity
Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and enables the muscles to pump more blood efficiently with less effort and less exertion on the blood vessels. Tailored programs incorporating weight loss, aerobics, cardiac training and muscular strengthening have high success rates in improving hypertension and
cardiac health. Even simple activities such as 30-45 minutes of brisk walking and swimming 4-5 times a week may help in lowering blood pressure within just weeks of starting such a program.

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Holistic Treatment for lowering blood pressure immediatelyLifestyle/stress management
Social and cultures pressure, psychological stress or excitement, overworking, mood/temper swings – the overall make up of the mind greatly affects our health. Stress elevates levels of adrenaline and cortisol in the blood – this causes hypertension.

Simple efforts help in reducing stress and lowering blood pressure immediately. Some effective steps include:
* Increased awareness of our reactions, temper and moods improves our ability to handle difficult situations in daily dealings.

* Regular practice of yoga for 30-45 minutes calms the mind, eases tense muscles and reduces cortisol levels (http://www.endo-society.org/news/press/2003/200306196.cfm). The Iyengar school of yoga advocates 27 postures for hypertension, some of which are listed below (B.K.S.Iyengar Yoga: Path to holistic healing).
– Intense forward bend (Uttanasana)
– Downward facing dog (Adhomukha Svanasana)
– Hero pose (Virasana)
– Intense west stretch pose (Paschimottanasana)
– Plough pose (Halasana)
– Head on knee pose (Janu Sirsasana)
– Full bridge pose (Sethubandha Sarvangasana)
– Cross legged pose(Swastikasana)

People with back/joint pain should practice yoga only under the guidance of a qualified teacher to prevent aggravating back/joint pain.

* Simple breathing techniques are very effective in releasing stress and controlling mental agitation and restlessness. In fact it is a natural response of the body to alter the breathing pattern based on the state of mind. We have all experienced this one time or another – the breath is long, calm and deep when we are relaxed, it is short when in fear, etc. The science of breath as practiced by the Hindus and Buddhists describes the deep connectivity between the breath, mind.and body. Special breathing techniques such as Pranayama and Sudarshan kriya have benefited many ailments including high blood pressure.

* Meditation calms the mind, nerves and muscles and improves blood circulation in the body. Studies have shown that about 20 minutes of some form of
meditation a day decreases cortisol levels and improves blood pressure levels significantly (http://www.tm.org/charts/chart_20.html).

Holistic Treatment for lowering blood pressure immediatelyHerbal supplements
Herbs such as hawthorne, arjuna, garlic, ginkgo biloba, indian gooseberry, valerian and mistletoe have been used for many years to treat high blood pressure and improve cardiac health. Many are available in the form of tablets, capsules, tea, essential oils and homeopathic tinctures.

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A doctor’s advice must be sought before taking herbal supplements. Self-medication can be dangerous and may interfere with other medications.

Holistic Treatment for lowering blood pressure immediatelyAcupuncture
Some studies indicate that acupuncture may help in lowering blood pressure (Flachskampf FA, Gallasch J, Gefeller O, et al. Randomized trial of acupuncture to lower blood pressure. Circulation 2007; DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.661140).

In general, the holistic methods can and should be followed in conjunction with each other to maximize the benefits of the treatment.

Effectiveness of holistic methods
My aunt suffered from depression, stress and sleeplessness for 3-4 years after her husband passed away. She gradually developed hypertension (145/95 mmHg) and blood tests indicated increased levels of LDL (170 mg/dL) although she exercised regularly and followed a healthy diet. The doctor advised a combination of beta-blockers and diuretics for lowering blood pressure immediately. Although the drugs helped with her hypertension, she had too many side-effects that aggravated her preexisting irritable bowel syndrome. She sought ways to quit her dependency on the drugs and found her solution in holistic methods. She started taking Arjuna supplements and practicing yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. In 3-4 months, she was able to reduce the dosage of her drugs. After a year of regular practice, her blood pressure became normal and so did her lipid profile. Now, for the last 4 years she has been maintaining good health without requiring drugs to regulate her blood pressure.