The Ultimate Music Marketing Guide for Serious Independent Musicians and Bands

If music is your greatest passion and you’re thinking of turning this hobby into a business but you’re not sure how to go about it, then you must know the first thing you need to do is grab “Your Band Is A Virus” and read it cover to cover. James Moore’s book is not only for those who’re at the beginning of their music career, but also for those who have tried breaking into the music industry and even gained some success. What independent musicians have to keep in mind is that the music industry is continuously changing and if they want to make their music heard, they need to keep up by adopting new strategies.

“Your Band Is A Virus – Expanded Edition” is the bigger and better version of James Moore’s best-selling book “Your Band Is A Virus – Behind-the-Scenes & Viral Marketing for the Independent Musician”. The tips and advice you will find here come from a music promoter who knows his business and is willing to offer you all the information you need to change your life. If you know what you want and you’re ready to take your art to the next level, James Moore will provide you with all the marketing tools:

“The goal for the independent musician is to find creative ways to get more and more people to ‘catch’ their virus, and also to create multiple avenues for the virus to spread with ease. As I promote, I call the process ‘planting seeds’.”

By addressing what he considers to be the “number one issue affecting independent musicians today: the issue of perspective”, James Moore is determined to wipe out all the misconceptions surrounding the music marketing and comes up with out-of-the-box ideas that are sure to work for any independent musician or band. You won’t get promises of getting rich and famous over night, but you will learn some incredible tactics that you won’t find anywhere else. Some of the things you will learn from “Your Band Is A Virus” include types of marketing, how to build a website, how to get your music online, how to create an awesome video, or how to earn more funds. The best part is that this newly expanded edition contains a lot of other tips which you’ll find absolutely priceless. Here are just some of them:

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– Build a freelance writer’s army and take charge of your music promotions

– Outsource your marketing! Think like an entrepreneur, not a beggar

– How to properly promote music videos

– Get the underground music distribution network on your side by using the label’s approach

– How to contact bigger media and play by the rules better than anyone else

– How to avoid pitfalls and scams aimed specifically at indie artists

To find out what else this extended edition includes, just follow the link: You’ll be glad to see that you won’t need to search the Internet anymore, for you have everything you need in one place: James Moore’s book.

So, if you’re ready to make it into the independent music industry, build a powerful fan base and earn some serious money, make your first and biggest step by purchasing “Your Band Is A Virus” right on amazon:
