WWE Flashback: Best and Worst of Survivor Series 1991

Up until 1991 every Survivor Series pay per view had been made up completely of tag matches of 10 on 10, 5 on 5, or 4 on 4. But Survivor Series 1991 would be the first Survivor Series to have a 3 on 3 match, a singles match and a Title match. These were some of the best and worst moments of Survivor Series 1991.

Best Match
Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker
– I’ve always loved the tag matches at Survivor Series but if we get singles matches like Hulk Hogan vs. Undertaker then I don’t mind the addition of at least one singles match. The Undertaker was the best monster that Hulk Hogan ever had to face and for once Hulk Hogan lost. Throw in an appearance by Ric Flair and you have a great singles match.

Team Flair vs. Team Piper – The Best Survivor Series match in 1990 ended with Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase. The Best Survivor Series match in 1991 also had Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase go one-on-one. Their two rivals, The Mountie and Virgil, were also in the match, British Bulldog traded power moves with the Warlord and two of the all-time greats, Ric Flair and Roddy Pipper all added to this Survivor Series match.

Worst Match
Team Slaughter vs. Team Mustafa
– Kerry Von Erich and Tito Santana at least made Sgt. Slaughter’s Survivor Series team watchable but this was the worst match of the Survivor Series due to the awful team of Col. Mustafa, the Berzerker, Skinner and Hercules.

Best Performer
Bobby Heenan
– For the first couple of Survivor Series Jesse Ventura did pretty good commentary. At Survivor Series 1990 Roddy Piper did a horrible job on commentary. Finally at the 1991 Survivor Series Bobby Heenan took over the commentary position and had gems such as, “Do you know why that woman is on the edge of her seat? Because she has a 300 pound can behind her!”

See also  WWE Flashback: Best and Worst Moments of Survivor Series 1998

Undertaker – At Survivor Series 1990 the Undertaker was making his debut in the WWE and by Survivor Series 1991 he was defeating Hulk Hogan and winning the WWE Heavyweight Championship.

Worst Performer
Team Mustafa
– When the Vipers got swept in their Survivor Series match at Survivor Series 1990 they at least put on a pretty good match with wrestlers like Jake Roberts and the Rockers. Team Mustafa hit the double whammy though. Not only did they get swept in their match but also they all performed poorly.

Best Moment
New World Champion
– By now you can tell that Survivor Series 1991 was all about the Undertaker defeating Hulk Hogan to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Worst Moment
Five Man DQ
– I mentioned earlier that the Survivor Series match between Team Piper and Team Flair was one of the best but it was ruined by a bad ending. Both teams only had one man eliminated. A huge brawl broke out and five out of the remaining six wrestlers all count disqualified at once. What a horrible way to end a Survivor Series match.

Tuesday in Texas – The Survivor Series should be a big deal and one of the biggest pay per views of the year but the 1991 Survivor Series seemed like a giant ad for another show Tuesday in Texas. Not only did they talk about it constantly but they booked a Undertaker/Hulk Hogan rematch for Tuesday in Texas, making the world title match on Survivor Series mean a whole lot less. In addition to that they didn’t give us Macho Man vs. Jake Roberts at Survivor Series because they were holding off on it until Tuesday in Texas also.