WWE Flashback: Best and Worst Moments of Survivor Series 1998

For the first time in Survivor Series history the 1998 Survivor Series had no traditional Survivor Series matches. At the time the World Heavyweight Championship was vacant and the WWE decided to hold a 14 man singles tournament. These are the best and worst moments of the 1998 Survivor Series.

Best Match at Survivor Series 1998
The Rock vs. Mankind
– The Finals of the tournament between The Rock and Mankind was a classic. The two wrestlers always perform well together. The heel turn by the Rock was also totally unexpected and it might have been this moment that made Mankind the sympathetic character that everybody loved.

Worst Match at Survivor Series 1998
Sable vs. Jacqueline
– I hate to pick on the ladies because I enjoy the current women’s division in the WWE but back in 1998 they didn’t even have Trish, Molly and Victoria yet. Sable was pretty much the women’s division and she was pretty horrific in the ring and on the microphone.

Best Performer at Survivor Series 1998
The Rock
– This was the Rock’s night. First the Rock had three good matches with Ken Shamrock, the Undertaker and Mankind. But The Rock also flawlessly played a face and a heel in the same night.

Worst Performer at Survivor Series 1998
– The best match of the night produced the best performer and the worst match of the night produced the worst performer at Survivor Series 1998.

Best Moment at Survivor Series 1998
The Rock turns heel
– I know that everybody loves the People’s Champion but I actually always liked The Rock more as a heel. So when The Rock joined Vince McMahon and kicked poor Mic Foley to the curb I enjoyed every second of it.

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Big Boss Man – After injuring Stone Cold in the first round the Big Boss Man was given another chance to win the tournament by facing The Rock. The Rock wanted to make quick work of the Big Boss Man and he did by beating him in 4 seconds.

What Does Everybody Want? – At this point in time Al Snow was doing his gimmick where he carried around a mannequin head named Head. Mankind was carrying around a sock named Socko. Mankind lost Socko and Vince had it tied around Head’s forehead. When Mankind realized Socko was tied around Head’s head he thought Head had stolen Socko and proceeded to punch Head in the face. Classic.

Worst Moment at Survivor Series 1998
Real Man’s Man
– For some reason in 1998 William Regal came to the WWE and they gave him the gimmick “The Real Man’s Man.” William Regal was forced to wear jean shorts, a flannel shirt and a hard hat. Who in the world thought to give this gimmick to William Regal of all people?