Workout-X Guide to Body Transformations Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Workout-X Guide to Body Transformations series. In part 2 we will be covering losing fat, gaining muscle, and weight lifting and how each topic plays a significant role in body transformation.

One of the most important things that a person needs to remember when they are going through a body transformation is that they first need to lose weight. Going on a diet is the first thing that they must do and master. Not just eating for nutrition, but watching what amount of calories they take in.

In order for the body to metabolize the food that it takes in it has to be up to par. Getting in shape will help, but in the beginning it is important to only eat foods that are good for your body and to cut back on the amount of calories they are putting into their system.

Since losing fat is difficult, this point in a person’s body transformation may seem to be too hard. It is critical that they have a coach or trainer involved with their progress. The coach can provide inspiration, motivation, take measurements of the body before and after the transformation, and set up a good workout program. They have the knowledge that is needed to produce the desired results. If the person gets depressed that they aren’t losing the weight like they thought they would, then they might need a little boost and words of encouragement from their coach. Getting this necessary help will make a huge difference for their morale and will keep them interested in working harder to reach their goal – a body transformation.

People gain weight for all kinds of reasons, but most of it has to do with what is put into one’s body and lack of daily exercising. Sitting around eating does not burn off calories. The only way a body transformation can even remotely begin is by monitoring what you put into your body and then getting off the couch and start exercising. Then, and only then, can a person manage to get their weight under control. After the weight is under control then you can begin building muscle in your body transformation.

Many people develop poor habits when they sit all day and eat too much. They might have a job that they have to sit at their desk. They can’t help something like this, but they should try taking the steps instead of the elevator, parking a little further from the door to the office and other such measures to get themselves more exercise during the day. While they are sitting all day, they should switch to a low calorie diet, filled with vegetables, fish and other healthy items. Once they begin to change their habits, they can then go on a stricter diet and a muscle building program.

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A total body transformation requires a healthy diet that will help a person to lose weight. They should make sure that they avoid foods high in fat and carbohydrates and keeps the caloric intake down. Chocolates, other sugar filled items, like cake and pastries should be avoided. This will just add calories that will be hard to burn off.

The best things that a person can eat when they want to lose weight are salads filled with great vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, and broccoli, as well as foods like cheese. Avoiding too much celery is important, because it is high in salt. The salt will make them retain water, which will add weight. Adding tuna fish that is drained and rinsed well will be fine in salads, as well as plain, cooked chicken pieces. This will give the person protein, which will help them to burn more calories by upping their metabolism.

Fried foods should be avoided. They are high in fat and bad for cholesterol. This will make the person feel sluggish so they should be avoided. Too much salt is also bad when someone wants to lose weight. Pepper is a wonderful seasoning with no calories that can be used in place of salt. Butter should be avoided completely. A person should switch to a substitute for that as well as for sugar.

Fresh fruits are excellent to add to the diet to help lose weight . Grapes, apples, pears, oranges, cranberries and a variety of other fruits should be introduced into the diet.

After they begin changing their habits, they will understand that how they used to live wasn’t right. They won’t want to do it again. They will feel revitalized, lighter on their feet and will look healthier because of the changes they have made. They will want to keep that feeling for a long time, so they will continue on to reach their goal – the body transformation. It will be worth a lot to them and they will strive to achieve it. Looking back at the old pictures of themselves, they will be amazed at how far they have come.

Gaining Muscle
During the process of a body transformation and during the time that a person is shedding the extra weight, they need to gain muscle. That is why some sort of exercising program needs to be implemented. In order for the skin, which is in a way, elastic, to shrink after a person starts to lose weight; the muscles need to become taut, or firm, in order for the body to look good.

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There are all sorts of ways to gain muscles during a body transformation. The most popular way is by lifting weights, but there are plenty of other ways to exercise and increase muscle mass. A person can use toning exercises for a particular part of the body, they can use dancing classes, yoga and a myriad of other ways to obtain muscle tone that will lead them to a whole new body frame. The importance of gaining muscles is by far the important part; however the way a person gains their muscle mass is up to them.

They should find something that they enjoy doing in order to gain the muscle. If they like to jog, then that is what they should do. Whatever they find that will keep them active and moving will inevitably help them to increase their muscle strength. That is what they need when they want to make a body transformation work properly.

When changing a body is the goal, it is important to remember that it will not happen overnight. It takes time. In most cases a person that starts out seeing great changes in the beginning may see a lull in the progress after a period. That is normal and that does not mean that they should discontinue with their training or with their goal. They just need to know that it is perfectly normal for that to happen and for a time they may look the same and be working really hard. It may just take more training and effort for them to see the results that they want.

As they gain muscle they will become stronger. They can add to their exercising routine and try harder things. This will increase their stamina. As they progress they will eventually see the results that they are after. It takes time and they need to make sure that they don’t give up. Having a coach or trainer along the way with them will increase the ability to stay motivated and remain focused on the goal. Then they will see the results that they want. It does take time, but the rewards are always worth it. Becoming healthy and fit is always worth the effort that it takes.

Weight Lifting
Weight lifting might be a huge part of a person’s body transformation. Many men consider weight lifting a part of their lives and some women do too. It all depends on what type of person is trying to change their body and if they are serious enough to experiment with weight lifting. There are people that just try it for a while and never do much more with it. The majority of people that start lifting weights to change their appearance and increase their endurance will likely continue to do so as a regular part of their lives.

See also  Workout-X Guide to Body-Weight Training Part 4

The reason that so many people take the weight lifting habits into their lives on a regular basis is because it becomes a pastime for them. They like to lift weights and enjoy the challenge of improving as they go. The longer they lift weights, the stronger they become and then they can move on to even greater challenges. It is a process and as they notice how they progress, they want to continue to strive to meet higher goals than they had in the beginning.

Whether a man or woman wants to train with weights, they need to make sure that they are healthy and able to do so. They should have a full physical by their physician so that they know their bodies are able to withstand the discipline of weight training. If they are able to they should begin with small amounts of weight and get the body used to it. Once they progress to heavier weights they will have muscle stamina that will help in a lot of ways. Too high of a weight at the wrong time can and will pull muscles in a person’s body. Since most people aren’t aware of the problems that can occur with lifting too heavy weights when they are not ready for them, a coach or trainer is needed.

The coach or trainer has knowledge of what weight lifting can do for a person to increase their muscle mass. They also know what it can do to a person if they try to do too much. There can be very serious injuries that might occur if the person tries to lift weights that they are not ready for.

Taking heed of what a coach recommends is crucial. They know what someone at a certain height or size can handle. They will help a person pick the right weights in order to produce the desired results. Their knowledge of the subject matter and their ability to motivate will lead a person to wanted success and they will reach their goals.

Make sure to read the remaining parts of this series on Body Transformation. In Part 3 of the Workout-X Guide to Body Transformation we will be covering the importance of having a coach and how body transformation plays out for women and men.
