Ways to Tighten Loose Skin

What do Elastigirl of “The Incredibles” and Mr. Fantastic of “The Fantastic Four” have in common? Both are fictional characters that have the ability to infinitely stretch their bodies to obscene limits and bounce back to their original shapes without the after effect of loose or sagging skin. The formerly obese and women that have given birth are not so lucky.

People that have lost 25% of their body weight or more often find as a result of their disciplined success, loose and sagging skin is left behind that is neither attractive nor aesthetically appealing. Many women after giving birth feel the same way. This article will present ways to tighten loose skin from the least invasive to the most.

There are two principle proteins in skin that hold it together; keep it tight, smooth, and able to bounce back from the normal events of everyday human movement and the stretching of physical exertion. They are the proteins collagen and elastin.

Collagen is a naturally occurring fibrous protein that literally holds the body together, the glue as it were connecting and holding together body tissues making up 25% of all the proteins in the body. It is the elastin that allows for the give and take of skin in the performance of normal function; opening the mouth, exercise, work, physical exertion, or carrying a baby during pregnancy.

It is the stretching of skin beyond normal limits for excessive periods of time that is central to this article. What can women do after giving birth and finding a pregnancy pouch remains that either bulges or sags refusing to return to the original flat stomach shape? What can the formerly obese person do after successfully losing weight when they discover loose and sagging skin? What can seniors do about excessively loose and sagging wrinkled skin?
In each of these cases, loose and sagging skin is a source of emotional discomfort and a factor in eroding self – esteem. There is help for all three from very basic applications of diet, exercise, and skin treatments to the extreme of surgical procedures.

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The basics include exercises that strategically target the affected areas of loose sagging skin and wrinkles on the arms, breasts, inner thighs, buttocks, stomach, and necks. These tend to be problem areas.

The first action step is to get centered in positive self – awareness. Information is necessary. Loose and sagging skin did not materialize over night. Getting rid of it won’t either. This is an adult task. Get some help to map out the best path to accomplish the task.

Aerobic exercise and weight lifting can prove to be assets to tightening loose and sagging skin. Consult your personal physical before beginning any exercise program. Follow with consulting a personal trainer to help with a program designed for your goals to tighten up loose and sagging skin.

Second, diet plays a significant role in bringing skin back to life. Since collagen and elastin are the stuff that help keep the smooth outer surface of the human body covered and flexible, a diet supportive of enhancing collagen and elastin is essential.

Vijay Raisinghani reports in his work, “Foods That Help Prevent Wrinkles” that dark leafy vegetables, broccoli and fish oil and foods non – traditional to the western world are highly effective in an anti – aging regimen. Among them are Phytessence Wakame, an extract of special Japanese brown sea algae. Mark Victor Hansen, co – author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, swears by it. The night I met him, he drank it as we spoke. He demonstrated to me the impressive elasticity in his skin.

Active Manuka honey is from the Manuka bushes in New Zealand, revitalizing and rejuvenating skin from within. Avocado oil is an excellent hydrating and moisturizing oil. Haloxyl TM, a derivative from palm oil enhances collagen and elastin levels in the skin and is an excellent food that helps prevent wrinkles naturally.

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Drinking lots of water and eating a high protein diet keeps the body (within the skin) and muscles hydrated to prevent lean muscle loss. Skin should be nourished daily, exfoliated, and moisturized.

The Japanese have established an entire market around food and drinks that enhance and redeploy collagen and elastin though drinks and food. Francora 500, a supplement drink of collagen rich liquid to be taken at breakfast created by Kowa packs in 10,000 mg of fish collagen. Harunohi is a collagen restaurant that features a “beauty” lunch for under $10. The real science has not yet caught up to this trendy market to validate it collagen and elastin generating capacity. Carpe Diem, let the buyer beware.

For loose and sagging skin on the stomach, abdominal exercises must be engaged. Doing ab crunches can tighten muscles and get rid of loose skin in the area over time. Crunches working the upper abs are done lying flat on your back, knees bent. With hands to the side of your head and elbows pointed towards your knees, raise your shoulders from the floor and squeeze your abs. Do the reverse for lower abs by lying on your back. Raise your legs from the floor while pulling your knees towards your chest. As your hips raise and curl, squeeze your abs. Start slow and work towards completing multiple sets of 20 to 30 reps of each.

The yoga booty ballet focuses for toning and tightening skin in the booty area by tightening sagging skin and sculpting lean muscles. Two yoga poses focus on the entire rectus abdomnus, the two distinct regions, the upper rectus abdominus and the lower rectus abdominus, which are togetherone large muscle. The yoga poses are the Cobra Yoga Abdominal Exercise Pose and the Upward Facing Dog Yoga Abdominal Exercise Pose.

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One procedure available to tightening loose and sagging skin, Thermacool, the non – surgical face lift, removes loose and sagging skin from the neck and face. This is a process of using light energy to contract collagen beneath the skin with heat while simultaneously cooling surface tissue to prevent damage.

The most invasive procedures are all surgical and generally include topical to general anesthesia. These are the infamous nip tuck procedures generally known as cosmetic surgery. Popular procedures include brachioplasty or arm lift to reduce loose and sagging skin under the arms, abdominoplasty or the tummy tuck, mastopexy or the breast lift to reduce loose and sagging breasts, and liposuction or the removal of fat between skin and muscle; and vaginoplasty, restoration vaginal tone and appearance by removing loose and sagging skin and tightening supportive structures.

There are multiple applications and procedures for tightening loose skin from the non – invasive to the minimally invasive to the surgically invasive. Choices are dependent upon personal preference and capacity to absorb costs. Non – surgical non – invasive procedures involve limited costs to facilitate life style changes for diet and exercise. Surgical producers can be costly dependent upon clinics and surgeons performing the procedures.

Consultation is important for making the most appropriate choice of process. Persons seeking ways to tighten loose and sagging skin need information to make informed decisions in their best interests. Information is available.