Top 10 Uses for St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is simply an herb that was created to treat depression, but what you don’t realize is that this aromatic plant has more values than one. Commonly known as Chase Devil, St. John’s Wort has proved to be highly effective in treating an array of problematic health issues that vary tangibly (wounds, burns or any kind of challenging health issue that cannot be solved internally) and intangibly (depression or any kind of knotty health issue that cannot be solved externally). There are several ways one can use this undervalued herb, but today I am going to talk about the top 10 uses for St. John’s Wort.


10. Treatment for Sunburn. St. John’s Wort serves as a radical healer, especially when used over a period of time. It is recommended that you cleanse your skin modestly before massaging St. John’s Wort oil on top of the burns. Sometimes the results are immediate, however; sometimes it takes time. It is also scientifically proven that St. John’s Wort is highly effective in treating regular burns that are unrelated to the sun. Depending on your actual burn type (with I being less severe that your skin is just red and burning to IV so severe that the actual tissues of the skin are scalded) the use of St. John’s Wort serves a natural, yet clinically safe medium to help treat burns.


9. Treatment for Acute Insomnia. St. John’s Wort works to create a balance in the brain, allowing you to achieve the appropriate rest and relaxation you very much deserve. Having trouble sleeping? No worries. St. John’s Wort is here to help. Insomnia is created by an array of things such as stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, pain and caffeine. It is a proven fact that if you mix St. John’s Wort with alcohol and let it sit for 21 days in the sun, you will create an affect that serves as the ultimate concoction that treats acute insomnia.

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8. Healing Small Wounds. St. John’s Wort proves why it is beneficial in more ways than one. Applying the oil has proved to be incredibly effective in not just pain management, but the actual origin of the pain. Just by applying a little oil into the wound areas, you will sooth these wounded areas immediately. If the wounds are open, it is recommended that you take St. John’s Wort and mix it with alcohol. Leave the mixture in a warm temperature (preferably in the sun, however; if the sun is not visible, it is recommended that you leave it in a warm temperature) for about three weeks. Take the result of the mixture and apply it on the open wound about three times a day. When I was hit by a car while riding my bike last year, I applied St. John’s Wort oil all over the huge hematoma bruise with a pain rating of 8/10. It truly did deliver results.


7. Restrained Appetite for Weight Loss. St. John’s Wort provides you with an array of antioxidant chemical qualities which work together to not only curb your appetite, but speed up your metabolism. I bet you didn’t know that. For the best results, it is recommended that you take organic St. John’s Wort and grind it, then sprinkle it onto your food or into a cup of your favorite tea. It also works as a great detox, especially when you drink the grinded herb and sprinkle the result into green tea.


6. Treatment for Moderate OCD (or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). St. John’s Wort has been systematically proven to treat restrained cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. The compulsions, as well as, obsessions associated with OCD vary and range from constant hand washing to obsessions with food and individual subconscious thoughts and more. Whether you suffer from anxiety or any kind of abnormal illness, St. John’s Wort will definitely benefit you. Although there are many factors to contemplate, it has been prescribed for centuries way before any SSRI has been developed. The most common form to treat OCD is definitely the capsules/pills. St. John’s Wort also helps with the treatment of Dyskinesia.

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5. Treatment for Infection. St. John’s Wort not only works as a inferior antibiotic, but also a secondary disinfectant. It is also a great antiseptic, which serves as an active microbicide. Whether you suffer from Gastritis (which causes the lining of the stomach to swell) or Gingivitis (which is caused by severe inflammation of the gums as a result of bacteria and disease) and more. St. John’s Wort is also great for Thrush. It is recommended to use it in an oil form, but using the capsules/pills is confirmed to be successful too. St. John’s Wort also works to create free radicals.


4. Treatment for Restrained Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis (commonly known as RA) is a very serious auto immune disease and as a result, those that suffer from RA are in major need of pain management. Although vegetable capsules are a very common use of St. John’s Wort in modern times, it is highly recommended that to treat RA (or Rheumatoid Arthritis) using a St. John’s Wort medium, you must use the oil form rather than the powder form. It is recommended that you massage the oil into the areas where the pain is prevalent. It is also good for those that suffer from Neuralgia and other diseases that require immediate pain management.


3. Treatment for Dry Skin. St. John’s Wort works to stimulate the skin cells, increasing circulation. As a result, your skin is hydrated and moisturized. When it comes to treating dry skin using a St. John’s Wort medium, I highly recommend using the St. John’s Wort oil. Using it on your face will not only balance out your skin’s texture, but it will refresh your skin naturally. It is a well known scientific fact that it also works to treat an array of skin diseases such as Eczema and Dermatitis. Because St. John’s Wort possesses an array of antioxidant properties, it works great to not only treat dry skin but maintain a natural moisture.

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2. Treatment for Temperate Addiction. Whether one suffers from alcoholism or even an addiction to cigarettes, St. John’s Wort has proven to be an effective treatment to those that suffer from such. We already know that it works great for those individuals who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (or OCD), but how does St. John’s Wort work for those who suffer from minor addictions? Simple. It works as a solution to camouflage the impulses created from addiction. It is recommended that you take the capsules/pills of St. John’s Wort for the best results.


1. Treatment for Mild-to-Moderate Depression. It is a well known fact that depression is simply a gloomy, yet miserable condition of feeling empty. No one wants to feel this way, let alone be this way and thankfully with the use of St. John’s Wort, you don’t have to. Depression is linked to variations in the brain that help communicate with the brain’s neurotransmitters. St. John’s Wort’s most effective use is not only scientifically safe without needles, drugs or risk, but has proved to be highly accommodating long-term. Depression can happen to just about everyone and most of the time, those that do have it, are very reluctant to talk about it. If you are leaning toward discretion, you cannot go wrong with St. John’s Wort. Although individual states of depression vary, St. John’s Wort serves as a rather helpful method to treat it.