Herbal Remedies to Quit Smoking

In the perspective of a lay person, there is no rhyme or reason presented in trying to quit smoking. Strong willed people fail, weak people succeed, con artists get rich and smokers get frustrated and ripped off. Personally, as a smoker, giving nicotine patches or gum to a smoker trying to quit is like giving a bottle of Whiskey to an Alcoholic along with a “Get Well” card. Conventional Medicine has expanded recently to include several prescription drugs such as Chantix and Wellbutrin, with varying results. The old theory of willpower conquering all is baloney for most smokers attempting to quit, stressed by family, work, finances, etc.

The smoking cessation groups are many, and after experiencing one for 90 minutes (yep, one) the first things I wanted when it let out was a cup of Coffee and a Cigarette. The lecture a Patient receives from a Physician of all the horrors caused by smoking only worked briefly, and that was because of a sinus infection.

So, that leaves us smokers turning to Alternative Medicine for a miracle. While these remedies may or may not work dependent upon the individual, the ride is an interesting experience:

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) – Used mostly as a mood enhancer, St. Johns Wort is a very good anxiety reducer, and has a calming result on the Central Nervous System.

Laser Treatment – In this treatment, a cold laser beam targets pressure points that release Endorphins. When a person smokes, Nicotine releases Endorphins. Get it?

Lobelia ( Lobelia Inflata) – This is believed by some Herbalists to produce responses in the Nervous System much the same as Nicotine.

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Herbal Cigarettes – These are Cigarettes made of Herbs rather than Tobacco. While they have no Nicotine, it’s still smoke that contains Tar and Carbon Monoxide. They’ll probably kill you eventually, but at least you won’t die from the Nicotine.

Cayenne Derivatives – These produce a warm taste that agitates the senses, and may lower cravings.

Herbal Aroma Inhalers – You don’t actually inhale these, just sniff a liquid concoction of herbs. These claim to reduce cravings for Nicotine.

Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) – An Herbal Sedative, this can calm nerves while having withdrawals. It can reduce anxiety and increase the ability to relax.

Herbal Mixtures – Be wary of mixtures of many different herbs in one product. These can have serious interactions with prescription drugs, and many make ridiculous claims. One I researched had claims of Sedative, stimulant, blood purifier, toxin reducer, aid to disease prevention, etc.

The bottom line, and as a Smoker I’m qualified to state this, is that a Smoker must DESIRE TO QUIT. All of the scare tactics, harping by loved ones, and other pressures to quit will do nothing more than agitate a Smoker who is not anxious to quit. When that time comes, and it will eventually, Herbal remedies are certainly an alternative to conventional thought.