The Development of Personal Values

The development of personal values is a life long process that affects all areas of life. Personal values develop through experience and learning. They are formed and reformed through time and they impact our personal lives as well as our professional lives. Development of personal values is essential in learning,and understanding personal values is important. This essay will describe my personal values and how they have been developed. This essay will also summarize the criteria used to revise my values and the impact my values have on my performance in the workplace.

Personal Values

My personal values reflect who I am, and my top five personal values are family, service, personal enrichment, wisdom, and integrity. These values are the main values I believe in, but I have many more values as well. I value honesty, kindness, and dependability, and I believe these values are noble. Personal values are the essences of who we are as people and human beings. It is important to understand and recognize your own personal values.

Family is something that I value strongly. My family is not perfect, but I care about them a lot. It is important to me to value family because good values and morals should start at home. People do not get to choose their families, and many families have conflicts, but valuing family is still important to me. Family is there for you throughout your life, and this is valuable.

Service is another personal value I find important. Helping others in need is important because there are many people who need help. I believe in service to others because it makes me feel good. I also believe that if more people lived a life of service there would be less people in need. As one we can do little, but united in service much can be accomplished.

Personal enrichment and wisdom are also values that I hold high. Through education and personal growth much can be accomplished. Personal enrichment and wisdom are important values for people because they will make people better. Learning and growing is the only way man can survive.

Integrity is a personal value of importance because it means to live in respect to personal values. This requires standing up for your beliefs and living by them. Integrity is important to me because I believe it is important for people to hold themselves responsible for their actions and beliefs. Through awareness of personal values people can understand the development of their personal values.

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Development of Values

Values are developed in several ways, and my personal values have been developed through my upbringing, living situations, education, and work experiences. All of these factors have led to my personal values being what they are today. The development of personal values happens differently in many people, but my personal values started developing through my upbringing.

The way I was raised plays a huge role in the development of my personal values. My parents and grandparents taught me the importance of family and integrity. Honesty and kindness is also something I learned through my upbringing. I was raised by my parents, great grandmother, and my grandmother, and their influence helped me develop my personal values. My grandmother would never let me get away without having manners, and this has led me to value politeness and manners. My parents made sure I realized how important family is from the time that I was a child until today. The values of my family influenced my upbringing which influenced my own personal values.

I have lived in many different situations, and all of these situations have impacted the development of my personal values. I have lived in community settings where everyone pitched in to take care of the community and maintain the home. I have lived in settings that were upper-class and lower class. I have lived alone and I have lived with over 30 other people. All of these living situations have influenced the development of my personal values. Living in rich areas helped me realize that money is not everything. Living in poor areas has helped me value hard work. Living alone has helped me value community,and living with many people helped me value personal enrichment. Living situations are all unique experiences that have helped in the development of my personal values.

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Education has had a strong impact on my personal values as well. I have developed a lot of my own personal values due to my educational experiences Education forces you to question things and take stands on issues. Education provides you with knowledge to make your own opinions. Through my educational experiences I have learned that I value wisdom, and this is why I will always continue to go to school. Personal enrichment is another value that has been developed through education. My educational experiences have taught me that there is still much to learn about myself. It has also made me realize that personal enrichment should continue throughout my entire life. The experiences I have had with education have strengthened and developed my values.

Experiences in the workplace have also helped develop my personal values. Through experiences in the workplace I have learned that I highly value my family and integrity. I have also developed a sense a community, and I have realized the importance of this value through my experiences in the workplace. As a manager and an employee I have been on both sides of workforce. This experience has led me to understand service more thoroughly; it has also helped me value honesty, hard work, and teamwork. These are important values in the workplace.

Criteria for Revising Values

Personal values will change as people change, and there is criteria that I utilize for revising my values. Revising values is not always easy, and it is based on a combination of things. The priority levels of values change on a constant basis to suit the situations at hand. Prioritizing and considering positive and negative impacts of values are the criteria I use to revise my values on a day-to-day basis.

Prioritizing is an important means of revising personal values. Personal values are beliefs that a person holds true. Situations occur when values are put into question and prioritizing must occur. Considering what values are more important at the time is an important and effective method of revising values. Prioritizing is a method that utilizes considering the pros and cons of values in regards to situations at hand.

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Considering the positive and negative impact of my personal values is a method of prioritizing and revising my personal values. For instance there are times when my personal values do not exist together peacefully. Integrity and family can conflict at times, and during these times I must revise my values. I must consider both the positive and negative impact these values have. I can then prioritize these values based on this thought process, and I can make better decisions based on my revised values.

Impact of Values on Performance in the Workplace

Personal values inevitably impact the performance in the workplace. If someone values hard work they will work hard in a work place environment. If someone values making money over integrity they will cut corners and cheat to get ahead and make a buck. Personal values dictate the actions a person takes inside and outside of the workplace.

My personal values impact my performance in the workplace because I value integrity. I will not work in a situation that compromises my beliefs or values. I will also not work in a place that treats people cruelly or unjustly. I value hard work, and it is shown in my performance in the workplace. I also value creativity, wisdom, and personal enrichment, and I like to work in places where I can learn things. I strive to learn and work at my highest potential, and these values are reflected in my performance in the workplace. I also value service and teamwork, and I will work hard with and for everyone I work with because of my values.


Personal values are developed throughout life; these values impact personal live and work performance Values are developed through many means such as upbringing, educational experiences, living situations, and workplace experiences There are many methods of revising personal values,and prioritizing is an effective method of revising values. Personal values impact work performance because they reflect who we are and how we act.