What Are Herbal Tea Benefits?

Herbal tea benefits are more diverse than benefits of tea.

If you may know, herbal tea isn’t real tea. It’s the herbs, dried, flowers, seeds, and roots. Thus, herbal tea benefits come from benefits of each of these herbs, flowers, seeds, and roots…that are infused like tea.

So in order to understand the benefits of herbal tea, we must get to know the effects of many common herbs, roots, and flowers.
From that, you can extract some useful information as to choose which herbal tea to drink. However, people may not know that they can develop allergies toward some of these flowers, herbs, roots, and seeds.

So you should TALK to your doctor before drinking any herbal tea to prevent any future complication. More information is added frequently, so you can add this page to your favorite page or make it your homepage for future uses.

Aloe: the plant has only few stem. Its leaves are light green with a touch of grayness. The most used part of the plant is the juice which is extracted from the leaves. The aloe juice is often used in alleviating constipation and other digestive problems. Aloe decreases water absorption rate of the large intestine. Thus, more water is retained in the waste making the waste to move along easier. The side effects of Aloe juices include stomachache, discomfort, and decreasing potassium level in the body. Potassium is an important mineral in the body which is responsible for the chemical balance and heart rates regulation. For these reasons, pregnant women and children under 10 shouldn’t drink Aloe juices.

Alfalfa: this plant has yellow flowers and small and pointy dark-green leaves. This herb contains high levels of essential vitamins and minerals such as A, B6, C, E, K, Calcium, Potassium, and Iron. The part that is used the most in foods and drink is the leaves. Alfalfa herbal benefits include appetite loss, digestive problems, and menopausal pain. To consume this herb, the leaves can be infused like tea. For convenience, alfalfa can take a form of capsules for easy uses. One side effect of alfalfa overdose is joint pain.

Anise: this plant contains mostly round large leaves with few fruits and seeds. Today, it’s mainly grown in Turkey, Indian, Japan, and China. Fruit is the part that’s commonly used in herbal tea. Anise’s herbal tea benefits include effective treatment for common cold, cough, fever, sore throat, loss of appetite, and liver problem. Anise contains a high level of a chemical called anethole. You should consult with your doctor about possible allergic side effects of this type of herbal tea.

Bearberry: This plant is now cultivated around the world, but it was first originated in Spain. Other names of these herbs include Mountain box, Mountain Cranberry, and Sand berry. Bearberry is very effective in treating urinary tube infections. This herbal tea benefits is due to its high concentration of a chemical substance named arbutin. Arbutin has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. Side effects of this herbal tea include stomachache, vomiting, and genital inflammation.

Blackberry: Parts that are often used to make herbal tea is blackberry leaves. Blackberry contains high concentration of tannin. Tannin is effective in promoting absorption of water in the waste; thus, alleviating diarrhea. The leaves of blackberry can be infused for 5-8 minutes. You can add a bit of honey for taste.

Caraway: This plant is mainly grown in Europe and Asia. The plant produces white, sometimes red flowers. There are 2 forms of Caraway in the market, oil and seed. Oil is for external uses and seeds are infused into herbal tea. This herbal tea benefits include cough, fever, sore throat, cold, and skin rash and infections. Side effects of overdose caraway consumption are inflammation in the liver and the stomach. The Caraway seeds can be infused for about 7-10 minutes before drinking.

Cat’s foot flowers: This plant is mainly grown in Europe and Asia. It produces red and white flowers. People often use these herbs to treat stomachache, digestive problems, and urinary difficulties. Flowers are added to boiled water and are infused to 4-7 minutes to make herbal tea.

Catnip: This plant is now mainly grown in Europe. It has nice and pleasant fragrance. The parts that often used are leaves and buds. Catnip can used to help with cold, fever, nervousness, menstrual pain. Catnip leaves are added to hot water and are infused for 6-8 minutes before use.

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Chamomile : This plant is mainly grown in Europe and Asia. It produces small yellow flowers. Flowers are mostly used to make tea. Herbal tea benefits include relieving skin infection, increasing appetite, accelerating the healing of wounds, reducing fever, and decreasing inflammation in the stomach and liver. The most well-known side effect of this calming herbal tea is allergy against certain chemical component of these herbs. The Chamomile tea can be infused for 5-8 minutes before use.

Cinnamon: This herb has brownish color. The part that is commonly used is cinnamon twigs. It tastes sweet and warm. Cinnamon can help with blood circulation in the body, hands and legs numbness, urination, menstrual pain, coughs, and common cold. Of all of these herbal tea benefits, promotion of blood circulation is the most prominent. Individual with vitamin-K-deficiency and pregnant women should consult with their doctors for their uses of cinnamon twigs.

Catnip: flowers and leaves of this herb are infused like tea. The flowers are purple. This herb tastes aromatic and acrid. Catnip herbal tea benefits include reducing skin rash and inflammation, alleviating sore throat pain (which is a signal for incoming cold), and decreasing pain during urination.

Dandelion: The leaves of this plant look like lion’s teeth. Thus it was given the name “dent the lion”. People often drink dandelion herbal tea to help with indigestion, kidney problems, and loss of appetite. Side effects of dandelion herbal tea include gallbladder inflammation and heartburn. Finely cut dandelion flowers are added to hot water and infused for 12-15 minutes for drinking.

Devil’s claw : this plant is first originated from Africa. The roots are often used to infuse herbal tea. This herbal tea benefits includes increasing appetite, alleviating liver problems, and reducing inflammation. The most common side effects of this herb is heartburn. The dried roots of devil claw is added to hot water and infused for 6-8 hours before drinking. It takes a long time for the chemical in this herb to dissolve in the water.

European Buckthorn: This plant is grown in Europe and Asia. Herbal tea benefits include: relieving constipation and hemorrhoids by decreasing the absorption of water in the intestine. Thus, this causes the waste to soften and easily move along the large intestine and out of the anus. Side effects of this herb include increasing heart rate, nausea, and reducing the potassium level in the body. Pregnant women and young children shouldn’t drink this herbal tea. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor before attempting this herbal tea. Dried buckthorn is available in the market. Add the dried buckthorn in hot water and infused for 10-15 minutes.

Feverfew: this plant is mainly grown in Europe and Australia. The leaves are used in herbal tea. Its herbal tea benefits include reducing migraine and headache. Feverfew leaves are known to balance chemicals in the brain. Side effects of this herb are skin rash and stomachache. Feverfew tea is infused 20-25 minutes. Pregnant women and young children shouldn’t drink this herbal tea to prevent any unknown complication.

Foti : This plant has origin in China. The roots of these plants are processed and are used in tea. Herbal tea benefits are to alleviate constipation and to reduce cholesterol. Side effects of Foti overdose and allergies include upset stomach and skin itchiness. The roots of this plant can be steeped for 8-10 minutes before use.

Ginger : This herb has yellowish color. The root is the part that often used in food and drink. It tastes warm and spicy. It has soothing effects on lungs and stomach. Ginger root is often sliced and infused to get the liquid. Herbal tea benefits: treating common cold, coughs, digestive problems, and sea foods allergies. Ginger is also used to break the meat apart and kill bacteria in the meat. The root can be added to hot water and infused for 4-6 minutes.

Gentian root: This plant is mainly grown in Europe and produces yellow flowers. The part that most often used in tea is the root. The roots contain chemical antibacterial properties. The root tastes bitter and cold. The other name is Bitter Root. Herbal tea benefits include increasing appetite, reducing inflammation, and treating bacterial infections. Gentian roots are added to hot water and steep for 5-7 minutes. People with stomach and digestive problems should be careful using this herbal tea.

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Ginseng: This herb is mainly cultivated in Asian countries such as Vietnam, China, and Japan. The most prominent effect of ginseng is to increase concentration and clarity. The active chemical in ginseng that’s responsible for such effect is ginsenoids. Overdose of this herb can cause allergies and loss of sleep. Ginseng roots are added to hot water and are infused for 5-7 minutes before drinking.

Goldenrod: this plant is mostly grown in America and Europe. The trunk is often used in making herbal tea. Herbal tea benefits: to help kidney stone and urinary infections. To help goldenrod dissolve easily in the body and reduce the risk of any complications, drink lots of water along with this herbal tea. Add a bit of Goldenrod to hot water and steep for 10 minutes.

Hemp Nettle: This plant is often grown in Europe. It produces yellow flowers. Herbal tea benefits include cough and sore-throat. Add Hemp Nettle into hot water and infused for 4-7 minutes. You can add sugar for taste.

Hops: The scaling part of this plant is used to make herbal tea. It’s known that this herb alleviates loss of sleep, anxiousness, anxiety, and nervousness. It’s best to follow the manufacture’s directions when drinking this tea to prevent overdose allergies. Add a bit of Hops into boiled water for 10 minutes before drinking.

Iceland Moss : this herb has somewhat dark brown color. Herbal tea benefits: infections and upset stomach. To make this herbal tea, add a bit of Iceland moss to hot water and infuse for 7-12 minutes before drinking. You should be careful to avoid overdose.

Javanese turmeric: this plant is mostly grown in Indonesia. The roots are the part that’s most often used in herbal tea. This herbal tea benefits include increasing appetite and alleviating liver problems. Add some chopped turmeric into hot water and steep for 7-10 minutes before use.

Knotweed: The parts that are most often used in herbal tea are the roots and the trunk. Herbal tea benefits include bronchitis and coughs. Add a few teaspoons of knotweed into hot water and steep for 8 minutes before use. Applying knotweed externally can also use to relieve skin rash.

Lemon Balm: Other names for this herb are Sweet Mary and Honey plant. This plant is commonly grown in Asia and Europe. The leaves have
fragrance similar to lemon and are used to make herbal tea. The benefits of this herbal tea are to reduce loss of sleep and anxiety. Add some lemon balm into hot water and steep for 5-7 minutes before drinking.

Licorice: this plant is often found in Asia and Europe. The roots and the juices are used to treat illnesses. Herbal tea benefits of licorice are to alleviate coughs, upset stomach, headache, diarrhea, and infections. People with liver and kidney problems should consult with their doctors before drinking this herbal tea. Pregnant women and people that take many medications shouldn’t drink licorice herbal tea because licorice may contain chemicals that can interact with other drugs.

Marigold: this plant is often found in Europe. It produces pale orange glowers. Herbal tea benefits are to alleviate sore-throat and accelerate healing. This herb can be made into tea or can be applied externally on the skin. Add some marigold into hot water and infuse for 10 minutes.

Marshmallow: this plant is found in Asia and Europe. This herbal tea benefits are to boost the immune system by increasing the level of white blood cells, to alleviate coughs, and to reduce constipation. Add some commercial marshmallow into hot water and infuse for 1 hour before drinking.

Mistletoe: This plant survives by living off other plant. The benefits of this herb include alleviating diarrhea, coughs, and tumor pain. The extract of this plant can also be use to reduce joints pain. Some people may develop allergies against certain chemicals in mistletoe. You should consult with your doctor before drinking any herb. To make mistletoe herbal tea, add some commercial into hot water and let it brew for 10 hours. Remove any solid before drinking.

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Olive Leaf: This herb is effective in decreasing the blood pressure, thus lowering the risk of arteries damaging. To make this herbal tea, add some commercial olive leaves into hot water and infuse for 20-25 minutes before drinking.

Oregano: this plant produces purple flowers and has pleasant fragrance. The leaves are often used to make herbal tea. This herbal tea benefits are to alleviate diarrhea and to help respiration. 2 chemical components of the leaves that contribute to these benefits are carvacrol and thymol. Add some oregano leaves into hot water and steep for 6-8 minutes before drinking. You can add sugar to taste.

Papaya: This plant is first cultivated in Central America. The most common known feature of this herb is its yellow and sweet fruit that contains lots of little black seeds in the middle. The leaves and juices of papaya produced in the market can be infused to make herbal tea. Papaya extract can also be applied externally to treat skin rash or wounds.

Peppermint: This plant is commonly grown in Europe and America. The leaves are often used to make herbal tea. The benefits of this herbal tea are to reduce loss of appetite, alleviate fever and sore-throat, effective against common cold and skin infection. Side effects of this herbal tea include upset stomach and skin itchiness. Add some peppermint leaves into hot water and steep for 7-10 minutes. Overdose of peppermint can cause several complications.

Raspberry: The leaves of this plant are a rich source of tannins and vitamin C. This herb can be used to alleviate stomachache and sore-throat. Add some raspberry leaves into hot water and steep for 5-7 minutes before drinking.

Red Clover: This plant is commonly cultivated in Europe and Asia. The flowers are often used in herbal tea. The benefits of red clover include coughs and acne. To prepare this herbal tea, add some dried herb (follow the manufacture’s directions) in hot water and steep it for 10 minutes before drinking.

Rose hip: this plant produced red or white flowers. The seeds are commonly used to make herbal tea. This herb is a rich source of vitamin C. This herbal tea benefits include rheumatism and kidney problems. Add some commercial rose hip into hot water and steep for 12-15 minutes before drinking.

Scullcap : Other names for this plant are Helmet Flower and Hoodwort. This plant produces pink or white flowers. Every part of the plant can be used to make herbal tea. The benefits of this herbal tea are to reduce loss of sleep and nervousness. Add some commercial dried scullcap to hot water and infuse for 10 minutes before drinking.

Sweet Violet: this plant is mostly cultivated in Europe. Leaves, roots, and flowers are all used to make herbal tea. The plant produces dark violet flowers. The benefits of this herbal tea are to help with coughs, skin infections, fever, loss of sleep, and headache. Add some dried flowers into a cup of hot water and steep for 5 minutes before drinking.

Veronica: this plant is commonly found in many parts of Europe and Asia. It produces blue flowers. The trunk of the plant is used to make herbal tea. The benefits of this herbal tea are to alleviate indigestion and relieve respiratory problems. Add some dried veronica products into hot water and steep for 8-10 minutes before drinking.

Yarrow: This plant is often found in many parts of Europe. It produces white or pink flowers. This herbal tea benefits are to alleviate indigestion, liver, and gallbladder problems. Side effect is mostly in the form of skin allergy. To make this herbal tea, add some dried yarrow product into hot water and steep for 12-15 minutes. Yarrow extracts can be used on skin infections and itchiness.