Top 10 Gift Ideas for Girls 7-10

These top 10 gift ideas for girls 7 to 10 will inspire, no matter her interests:

1. Lava lamp- These retro room enhancers are appealing to watch and come in a variety of colors to match bedroom decor. Both 70s style throwbacks and their computer age offspring are available for $20-50. While local retailers may have a few in stock, online shopping affords the best selection.

2. MP3 player with voice recorder- For kids in this age group, there’s no need to worry about the pricey one with the magic name recognition. Instead focus on an easy to handle and use player. The ideal MP3 player for 8-10 year olds will have a voice recorder. It will both download music from the internet and upload their own voice recordings onto the computer. It will also have earphones. Several models are available in the $40-50 range. San Disk makes a trim blue and silver model appealing to girls while Creative Labs and Phillips offer competitively-priced models with similar features. Available at local electronics retailers.

3. Spy Kits- There are many spy sets out there but the items with the greatest appeal for spy girls are walkie talkies and motion sensors. Many spy sets don’t even include the walkie talkies, so it may be preferable to buy motion sensors and walkie talkies a la carte and create your own spy kit. Buy a motion sensor for $9 to $30 and walkie talkies for $13-20. Expect to pay upwards of $50 for a complete spy kit. Available in toy stores.

4. Manicure/Pedicure Kits with Nail Polish- The big draw is the polish, the more colors and the more outlandish the colors, the better. Some come with tiny stickers to press on top of the polished nails, but most girls are happy just to mix and match colors to create their own designs. Hand and foot cremes, files and toe separators give a mani-pedi kit a grown up feel. Kits range from $10-20. Available in department and cosmetics stores.

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5. Hair Wraps- Colored floss threads, beads and instruction books let kids add strands of color and texture to their hair. Correctly wrapped strands can remain in place up to four months. Klutz makes an inexpensive set, sold in bookstores for $14.95.

6. Journal/Diary and Pen- A faux fur covered journal/diary and glitzy pen is attractive for writing down silly secrets and deep thoughts. Claire’s, the accessory and jewelry store chain located in many malls, carries a selection of journal/diaries with the added attraction of lock and key to deter snoops, for under $10. A fancy pen to accompany the journal/diary can be bought at any good stationer’s or art supply shop.

7. Amoeba Hop book and CD by Christine Lavin- Don’t be fooled by the picture book format, this story/song enchants and the supplementary information on microscopic life draws in the older ones. Sheet music included in the book. $19.95. Available online.

8. Animal Crossing- This E-rated game cube game is populated with friendly animals who, in a simulation of real life, choose self-sustaining and leisure activities to fill their days. They build friendships, share hobbies, decorate homes, go shopping, work, save, spend- in short, they do what we all do, but the child makes the choices and is responsible for the consequences. A friendly introduction to the adult world. Comes with its own memory card. About $20. Available in toy and department stores.

9.Subscription to National Geographic Kids- Learning about nature and getting their own mail, a two-in-one gift. Regular subscription price $19.95 for 10 issues.

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10. Award-winning Bottle of Sunshine CD, by Milkshake. Happy, creative songs in a variety of genres by this Baltimore duo get them singing every time. $13.97. Available online.
