Make Your Desktop Come to Life with a Lava Lamp

Lava Lamp is a program that you can download that will actually put a lava lamp on your desktop. Lava Lamp is free to use. It is a very small file, so it doesn’t take long to download and it doesn’t take up much room. You can relieve stress and tension with this cute little lamp. If you like the ones that you plug up in your home, then you will like this one too. You can change the color to what you want and you can change the size.

Lava lamp can be downloaded from Just enter the name in the search field. When the results return, click the link. On the next page you will need to click the download button. On the next page, click the link that says Download Now – From Freeware Files. When the box opens, click the Save button and your download will start.

To install the lava lamp, locate where you saved it at on your computer. The zip file is named LavaI-MateSetup. Double click on that file. A blue screen will open and in that screen a box will open. This is the Software License Agreement. Click the Yes button to continue with the installation.

The next step of the installation is asking you where do you want the lava lamp installed. By default, most programs are installed in the Program Files folder. You can leave this as it is unless you really want to change it. Click the Next button to move on.

The lava lamp will install. This will only take a few seconds. Once it has finished a box will open and it will tell you that the installation has finished. It will ask do you want to launch the program now. Click the Yes button to launch it. Your lava lamp should be on your desktop.

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Now you can configure your lava lamp. You can change the size of it, the color of it, and the quality. To configure your lava lamp, right click on the lava lamp. When the menu drops down, click Configure. A little box will pop up and this is where you will change the color, quality, and size. Just tick the field next to the color that you want. You will see a preview of it in the little window on the left. For high quality, tick the high field under Quality. To make the lamp larger, move the zoom bar. Click OK to apply the settings and close the box. You can move your lamp by clicking it with your mouse and dragging it.

You can set the lamp to start automatically when your computer starts. Right click on the lava lamp and when the menu drops down select the “Run on System Start Up” link. To close the lamp, right click on the lamp and click Exit in the menu.

I think this lamp is so cool. If you work on the computer full time, this is a great way to relax for a few minutes. Just sitting there looking at the lamp will relieve tension and stress.