MP3 Players for Kids

MP3 players for kids can come in really handy. They are great for short or long trips, play time, and when your child just wants to relax. MP3 players allow you to put your child’s favorite songs onto a small portable audio player. This also allows your child’s hands to be free so that they can play and clean up while still listening to their favorite songs with headphones. Since you can put the songs on them yourself, you can still make sure that your child has the appropriate music on their player!

Children can also feel like a big kid with their own MP3 player, especially if they see other big kids with their own players. MP3 players for kids are easy and safe enough for them to use, as they are designed just for children. They come in different colors or with their favorite celebrities or characters on them. This is great if you want to get your child an MP3 player in their favorite color or with their favorite characters on them!

Kids’ MP3 players can be found both in retail stores or by shopping online. They come from various brands and usually be found for decent prices. They make great gifts for birthdays and holidays, or if you just feel like buying your child an MP3 player. If you are interested in looking through any players for your little one, then here are a few MP3 players for kids.

BeBoP Carry-a-Tune MP3 Player.
This adorable MP3 player designed more for toddlers. It is safe and suitable for toddlers of all ages. Features of this BeBoP MP3 player include 1 gig of memory, system for downloading music and audio, and one hour of music and audio books from Little People and Soundprints, all preloaded and ready for your child to listen to. This MP3 player has a parental volume control, so you can keep your child’s little ears safe from loud music. It has a built in speaker, big buttons and a screen, a carrying handle, and is big enough for toddlers to use. The BeBoP Carry-a-Tune MP3 Player is compatible with both the PC and Mac, so that way anyone can use it to put music on it without having to worry about what kind of computer they have.

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Disney Mix Stick 2.0 Hannah.
This particular MP3 player from Disney features the popular Hannah Montana on it. It has 1GB on it, which can hold up to 500 songs, and it can also store data. You can also expand it to 3GB with an SD memory card (which is not included). This MP3 player is rechargeable and will give you up to 8 hours of playback sometime. The Disney Mix Stick 2.0 Hannah MP3 player includes a USB cable, earbuds, and is compatible with both the PC and Mac. Other Disney Mix Stick and Disney Mix Stick 2.0 designs include Pirates of The Caribbean, Cars, High School Musical, Tinker Bell, Mickey Mouse ears, and more.

Spongebob Digital Player 1GB.
This awesome curved looking MP3 player features Spongebob Square Pants on a silver and orange design. It has a decent sized screen and buttons that are easy to use. This player has 1GB of flash memory, which allows it to hold songs in both MP3 and WMA format. When in MP3 format, it can hold up to 250 songs, and when in WMA format, it can hold up to 500 songs. Your child can also have fun playing with the music on their Spongebob Digital Player. All they have to do is activate the Music Mixer and shake the player. That will then take different sound effects and blend it in with the music they are listening to, letting them create their own music remix!

Now and days, you can find MP3 players for children of various ages, so that way almost anyone can listen to the songs they enjoy. MP3 players for kids can be used during special trips or just for every day use. Most children will love listening to their music on their very own MP3 player!