Tips for Keeping Mosquito’s Away and Treating Mosquito Bites at Home

With summer here, the mosquitos are now showing themselves often. The mosquito sightings will be more frequent in areas that have received excessive rainfall amounts with areas of standing water. Mosquitos are a nuisance for anyone enjoying their outdoor activities.

One female mosquito can lay more than 500 eggs in a week’s time. This is due to the females laying eggs every third night. The females are the ones who bite. They bite to use the protein from the blood for their eggs.

Mosquitos are pesky and annoying little bugs. Mosquitos also carry diseases such as the West Nile virus, heartworm disease, yellow fever, malaria, and many more diseases.

Myths About Mosquitos

After biting, the mosquitos die. This is a myth. Mosquitos do not die after biting a person, they will complete their egg cycle development, lay approximately 400 eggs, and find another person to bite.

Bats can control mosquitos. This is also a myth. While it is true, bats will eat anything that flies past them, they do not make a significant impact on the mosquito population.

Keep the Mosquitos at Bay

There are some over the counter products that can be used to keep the mosquitos away.

Skin-so-soft from Avon. Many people find Avon’s Skin-so-soft will deter mosquitos from coming near them. These same people will tell you this product works well for them and should get some from your local Avon dealer.

Off with Skin-so-soft. Off now has added Avon’s Skin-so-soft to their repellant to help deter mosquitos.

Citronella Oils and Candles. You can purchase either of these items in the lawn and garden area of your favorite retail store or in the area where they sell the bug repellant. Some will say that either of these items actually does not work. Others will tell these two items do work.

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Geranium Oil. Geranium oil can be found at health food stores. They can pour geranium oil into a burner and will rid the area of mosquitos. So it could be possible that geranium plants could help in keeping mosquitos at bay.

Mosquito Bite Relief

You can purchase over the counter medications which will help with the symptoms of their biting and swelling from mosquito bites. There are also home remedies that can help with the swelling and itching of the mosquito bites

Antihistamine creams. Benedryl makes an antihistamine cream that can help with the itching of mosquito bites. There are also other brands of creams and lotions that can help with the itching, such as, Caladryl.

Eucalyptus oil. You can find eucalyptus oil at any health food store. Apply the eucalyptus oil to the skin in the same manner you would a lotion.

Health Food Store Oils

Lavender or tea tree oils. You can place two or three drops of either of these oils on the bite area and massage the oil gently onto the spot. If swelling occurs, mix the two oils together and apply in the same manner.

Distilled water, camomile and lavender oil. For larger swollen mosquito bites, mix distilled water, camomile and lavender oils together. Soak a towel in the mixture and apply to the swollen area.

Other Home Remedies

There are some home remedies that can also help with the itching and swelling of the mosquito bites.

Baking Soda and Water. Mix three tablespoons of baking soda with a small amount of water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the bitten area for relief.

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Banana Peel. Rub a banana peel onto the bite to help stop the itching.

Ice. Place ice on the mosquito bite to help relieve the swelling.

You can see there are many ways to keep the mosquitos away, but there are just as many ways to help with the irritation from the mosquito bites.