Did I Get Bed Bugs from eBay?

People like me do not get bed bugs, but apparently that is news to the bed bugs.

Bed bugs are the venue of motels with broken neon signs and neglectful institutions that house the poor and unfortunate. Wrong.

According to news reports from recent years, apparently these six-legged felons have extended their range. Bed bugs steal blood with no prejudice for health, wealth or cleanliness. Increasingly they can be found in four-star hotels, cruise ships, dormitories and apartments, as well as single-family units.

How I acquired bed bugs is second only to how to quit tearing at my skin and get some real sleep again. Knowing the cause may prevent these stealthy predators from future attacks.

While I am waiting for the experts to take care of the problem and dictate which belongings, now wrapped in plastic, must go and which can stay, I have been doing a little research.

Why the title? Well, as you read the myths, keep in mind that the only additions to my bedroom in recent months consist of computer-related equipment I purchased online, primarily through eBay. See what you think.

Bed Bugs Myth #1
Bed bugs are caused by filth: Bed bugs are better controlled by thorough vacuuming, clean linens and tidiness but can be found in the cleanest of places along with their bottom-of-the-barrel counterparts.

The return and propagation of bed bugs is largely unknown, but is thought in part due to both safer pesticides that are not as effective and the increase in international travel.

Bed bugs are often carried by used furniture and suitcases and can travel 100 feet to find their desired host. This writer has neither traveled in the last year, bought furniture and is very tidy.

Bed Bugs Myth #2
Bed bugs will die off easily if there is no host. Though bed bugs will feed when they can they can live 12 months or more without a host. Hardy suckers indeed, pun intended.

Bed Bugs Myth #3
Bed bugs live in the bed. While you may or may not see visual evidence of bed bug infestation in the bed, bed bugs can live in cracks and crevices, under loose wall paper, picture frames, under the carpet and even in nearby electrical appliances such as telephones and alarm clocks.

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Bed Bugs Myth #4
Bed bugs are easy to see. Despite looking like I have a bad case of chicken pox, I began to wonder if I had delusional parasitosis for I found little evidence of bed bugs, or any bugs, at first.

While a gross case of untreated bed bugs would be much easier to see, apparently I am catching this problem early due to my fastidiousness and an allergic reaction which so prompted my investigation.

Usually black specks can be found from the blood meal, I saw a few, but they were difficult to find. Then later, tearing the room apart, I found some eggs and caught a few near microscopic-sized critters that I wasn’t even sure if they were bed bugs or dirt.

Now, over a week later, my sanity is redeemed. I found a very small bed bug, pending analysis, that is visible to the naked eye. It was hidden in a loose seam on the mattress. I didn’t think I would ever be so happy to find a bug.

Bed Bugs Myth #5
All members in the household are affected and bed bug bites are easy to diagnose. Bed bugs inject an anesthetic upon feeding and many individuals can not feel the bite nor react to the substance. Others may be misdiagnosed or self-diagnosed with eczema, allergic dermatitis, poison ivy, and like appearing conditions.

Though not all people are affected by bed bug bites, I can say the itching in my case has been so unrelenting at times my delirious mind has wandered from thoughts of voluntary euthanasia to the effectiveness of using bed bugs as a means to interrogate terrorists.

Misdiagnosed with an allergy, it took some days on prednisone to see the actual bites due to a near head-to-toe rash. This while my roommate sleeps in begrudging comfort and has no apparent bites or symptoms – yet. Incidentally, he loves to travel and lacks some of my neatnik practices. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to call foul play on the bed bugs part.

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Bed Bugs Myth #6
Heat kills bed bugs. This is a half-truth, which makes it all the more dangerous. Bed bugs need to be subjected to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 minutes for assured death to occur.

Bed Bugs Myth #7
Any pest control company can kill bed bugs effectively. Obviously, you can only do what you can afford when it comes to pest control. But experienced, integrated pest control management, not just simple extermination, is needed. An understanding of how bed bugs hide, are killed and spread makes a difference. Many stories on the Net exist of improper treatments that produced very temporary and expensive results, including lost possessions.

If you decide to treat bed bug infestation yourself, be especially judicious in following professional guidelines and double check the information from another expert source on bed bugs for accuracy.

So, Why Is My Neighbor Throwing Away Her Books?

It is the day before the exterminator is to arrive and I notice my neighbor is throwing away some very expensive pre-med college text books. Even if the rent here was not prohibitive for one, even two, college students, I’m thinking she could make a small fortune from selling these books on eBay.

Then I notice professional cleaning supplies nearby and a cleaning cloth wrapped in plastic that looks coated with some of the black flecks I’m seeing from the bed bugs, supposedly. I can be slow on the uptake but this doesn’t take a rocket scientist to consider where the original bed bug infestation may lie.

Is the bed bug infestation upstairs? Probably, even if it didn’t begin there. She does not realize what it is I assume so I’ll let the property manager inform her.

Then I think what if she had sold these books on eBay? Who would have been the wiser except maybe a future bed bug host?

The Net is filled with stories of bed bug victims lamenting over their lost furniture and treasures, including books, pitching out bookcases full. My treasured books are now in plastic, waiting for what probably will be a premature burial. Aside from my sanity, this is my most pitiful loss. I won’t shed tears over my signed book by Bill O’Reily but collector items, including cookbooks, is what I’ll miss most.

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The Terminator Arrives

A gentleman came out today to pick up my bed bug samples for microscopic evaluation. I’m half expecting to get a call from the CDC to tell me it’s something exotic. Ok, so I’m a little sleep deprived.

Thankfully I live in a place that cares about their tenants, not to mention reputation. Some poor souls have to take their landlords to court to pay for bed bug removal.

My hero, the terminator, could not yet tell me where the bed bugs came from now, if ever, but indicated adjoining apartments would be treated and he was interested in the blasphemy of discarded books I witnessed.

Lastly, I learn it is just a manner of a few more days until bed bug Armageddon ensues.

Conclusion on Bed Bugs

While I may never know where the bed bugs came from, I am sure I will have delusional parasitosis for life, stemming from the real thing, ironically. I guess there are worst phobias than imagined bugs, though lint may pose a problem.

Today, anything is a potential bed bug vector, and my passion for flea markets, garage sales and eBay has been effectively thwarted. I can’t help but think just how easily these bugs could be passed on, unknowingly.

So will I ever shop on eBay again and risk bed bug invasion? Yes and no. Purchases will be limited to non-porous items and the packaging will be removed outdoors and swiftly discarded.

Will I ever buy a used book again, on eBay or elsewhere? I think I’m sticking with audio books in the foreseeable future.
