Bedbug Bites – How to Stop the Itch

Bedbugs can cause some of the itchiest bites. Most often the bites will present in an even row and swell up like mosquito bites. Bedbug bites are extremely itchy and if scratched too much can lead to a skin infection or even scaring. Bedbugs are often found in hotels, motels and other high turnover living arrangements. The bedbugs will live in beds, sofas, rugs and just about any type of furniture. Bedbugs don’t carry disease, but they can cause a lot of sleepless nights. So, if you wake up one night in your hotel room and find that you have been eaten alive by bedbugs, how do you stop the itch? This article will give you some examples on how to stop the itch of the bedbug bite.

One way of stopping the itch of the bedbug bite is by using hydrocortisone cream. This cream can be purchased at most local drugstores and is easy to apply. Just dab a small amount onto each bite and soon the itch will start to fade. One good thing about hydrocortisone cream when used on bedbug bites is that the bedbug bites seem to go away a lot quicker. The hydrocortisone cream can also help you avoid scarring, by stopping the itch before it gets out of hand.

Take a hot shower if you are itchy with bedbug bites. The hot water helps calm the itch for a short period of time. This can be an easy to do treatment if you don’t have hydrocortisone cream on hand. Another quick way to stop the itch is to put toothpaste on the bites. Toothpaste is often helpful when dealing with mosquito bites and it helps with bedbug bites as well. Apple cider vinegar helps take the itch out as well. Apple cider vinegar is great for quick relief and is often readily available in your kitchen cabinet.

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The final treatment for your bedbug itch is to take an anti-histime like Benadryl. This will help you rest at night and combat the terrible bedbug itch. This will also help if you have a bedbug allergy. Some people have severe allergic reactions to the bedbug bite and should seek emergency treatment. Another reason to seek medical treatment for your bedbug bites if they become infected or don’t go away. If your bedbug bites become infected you most likely will need an antibiotic and if they don’t go away you may need cortisteriod treatment.