Things to Consider when Pledging a Sorority

Pledging a sorority is a life-changing decision, and how the decision turns out depends on the house that a young woman chooses. There are so many things that collegiate women should consider when they make the decisions of whether to pledge a sorority and which house to pledge. Recruitment can be an overwhelming and fast process. Young women have to comprehend and evaluate all the characteristics of each house in one week or less. By the end of the week the girls will be presented their bids and a will have to accept either except one of those bids or choose not to pledge a sorority. There are so many things to take into consideration when pledging a house.

First, when deciding what house to pledge young women should consider which house they feel at home at. A good way to make this consideration is by thinking about which house they feel welcome at and would also feel comfortable sitting around in their pajamas at watching a movie. It is important to consider where a person feels comfortable because they are choosing home a place where they go home to live, hang out and people who that will be their friends for life. They should also think about which house they would like to live in since living in house for a period of time is required by most sororities.

Secondly, no young woman is committed to going through initiation at the house they pledge and can choose not to become a full member. Additionally, young women can choose to quit a house at anytime and leave, so they simply commit to trying out a house on bid day, at most colleges young women are only committed to the house they choose on bid day for one year after they accept a bid before they can accept a bid at another house, if they decide not to go through initiation.

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Thirdly, those young women who are considering pledging a sorority should consider what the house stands for, what is their philanthropy and what is their reputation on campus. These are things that are necessary to consider because on bid day a young women chooses to group herself with a set of young women with these characteristics and so it is important to choose the group who’s morals, goals and values match the young women’s own beliefs.

Finally it is important that young ladies who’s sisters, mother, or other relatives have been in the Greek system should not join a house just to be the same as their family or join a different house just to be different then their family members. It is very important to pick the house that a young person feels is right for them and not to consider what house they would like to be in related to ulterior motives.

When choosing to except a bid from a sorority there are several things that a person needs to consider these things include where they feel comfortable, the people they would like to be surrounded by and what house that young woman feels is right for her.