The Best Mother’s Day Crafts for Preschoolers

Are you looking for the perfect Mother’s Day craft for preschoolers? Look no further as I have taken my two favorite Mother’s Day craft s that my kids have made, I took pictures and am going to tell you how to make them. My kids attend an in home day care that I absolutely love and every single day they come home with new and fun things that they have made for me. I keep everything but the two items that I am going to discuss are just perfect to use as a Mother’s Day craft for preschoolers that are sure to melt any Moms heart.

About Me Book

The first Mother’s Day craft for preschoolers is so simple yet so sweet. In making this Mother’s Day craft you need at least 5 (more is better) different colored pieces of construction paper, about a foot of yarn, a pen, scissors, glue, tape measure, scale, and a preschooler. You can include any information you want to make this Mother’s Day craft extra special and I will tell you what was done for mine.

The cover of this Mother’s Day Craft has different colored boxes with my child’s name, weight, DOB and parent’s names. The next page of my Mother’s Day craft says: Nathans skin color is: then has a piece of tan paper glued on, Nathans hair color is: then has some yellow pieces glued on, Nathan is: 17 months is made with cut out letters. The next page of my Mother’s Day craft is filled with a pair of eyes that are made of different colors of construction paper to make them look extra cute. The final and my favorite page of this Mother’s Day craft are a tracing and then cutout of my child’s current foot and hand size. All the pages of this Mother’s Day craft are then secured together with yard after being hole punched.

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Hand Books

The second Mother’s Day craft for preschoolers that I would like to recommend is the hand book. It sounds so simple yet I am sure I will cherish mine forever. To make this Mothers day craft all you need is 3 pieces of construction paper, one colored and the other two white, a hole punch, 6 inches of yarn, scissors and a hand. To make the cover and pages of this Mother’s Day craft hand book, trace the child’s hand and cutout 2 copies of the child’s hand on the colored paper and six on the white paper. Line them up on top of each other like a book and make two hole punches near where the wrist would be. Cut your yarn into two equal size pieces and tie your Mother’s Day craft hand book together. On the cover of your Mother’s Day craft hand book you can write the child’s name. Then ask your preschooler some questions as a part of this Mothers Day craft. On the pages of the book you will basically be writing the answers to these questions in a fun way for Mom to enjoy forever. Page one: My favorite color is? Answer. My favorite toy is? Answer. Page two: My favorite color is? Answer. My favorite food is? Answer. Page three: My favorite movie is? Answer. My favorite cartoon is? Answer. Page four: I like to help Mom and by: Answer. Page five: I like to go Answer with Mom and Dad. Page six: My favorite place to sleep is: Answer. You can customize this Mother’s Day craft by asking different questions just be sure you put down whatever the child says even if it makes you laugh a little!

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When you are making a Mother’s Day craft for preschoolers just have fun and remember anything that you make with the child, Mom is sure to love. I have an under bed tote full of Mother’s Day crafts, daily crafts, holiday crafts and every other craft that you can imagine that my kids have made for me. I have even sent some of the Mother’s Day crafts that my kids made to Grandma and Grandpa for special occasions. I plan to make the best scrap book for my kids when they get older and I will sure utilize all of these crafts especially my the ones my kids made as Mother’s Day crafts.