President’s Day Lesson Plans for Preschoolers

The President’s Day lesson plans for preschoolers below are simple and geared for young children so that they can learn the basics about our presidents. Many of these preschool President’s Day activities require little more than some crayons and imagination, turning what can be a detailed and confusing holiday into something preschool kids can understand. There are three President’s Day lesson plans for preschoolers: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama. Each of these lesson plans for President’s Day include four basic components:

A Book
Each book was selected as a simple story that preschoolers can relate to. The words are basic and are accompanied by bright pictures to hold small children’s interest. The books are the starting point to these President’s Day lesson plans for preschoolers, introducing the kids to the subject matter in a succinct way.

A Song
Preschoolers love music, and singing simple songs is a great way to teach them. My own children remember their preschool songs years later, and still use them to remember facts like the days of the week. Most of these songs have lyrics that are sung to familiar tunes to help preschoolers remember facts about our presidents. They make great preschool President’s Day activities.

Coloring Pages & Crafts
Depending on how much time you have and the ages of your students, you may choose to do both the craft and the coloring pages or just one. The coloring pages are also great to send home with students so their parents can see what they’re learning and help them at home. These are a great addition to your President’s Day lesson plans for preschoolers, reinforcing what they’ve learned about our presidents.

Enjoy these lesson plans for President’s Day with your preschoolers and have fun learning a little bit more about the men who led our country.

George Washington

Story of George Washington
This board book introduces preschoolers to the life and accomplishments of George Washington through simple text and illustrations. The story includes the legend of the cherry tree, Washington’s work as a surveyor and farmer, his home at Mount Vernon, and his election as the first president of the United States. In 200 words, your preschoolers can learn about George Washington without being bored or bogged down with a lot of facts. This board book is perfect for story time to kick off your lesson.

These songs about George Washington are simple to sing and easy to remember.

George Washington
Click on the link above to read the words and hear the music of this song. The piano accompaniment can be played from your computer for your class to sing along to.

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George Washington
(sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle”)

Washington was a great man,
The father of our country,
He led in war, he led in peace,
The father of our country.

Many stories, they are told,
Many tales abound,
Of this great man who led our land,
The father of our country.

Coloring Pages
12 Different George Washington Coloring Pages, including young George chopping down a cherry tree and several presidential portraits.

Portrait of George Washington, including a brief summary on the page of his birth, presidency, and death.

George Washington in Front of the American Flag with a caption that reads, “George Washington 1st President of the United States.

George Washington, The Father of our Country
This craft is a great way to introduce children to George Washington, as well as teach them about the colors in our nation’s flag: red, white, and blue. Click here to learn about Washington’s involvement with and the history of the first American flag, as well as how to cut a 5-point star in a single snip.

You Will Need:
Red, white, and blue construction paper stars
A printed portrait of George Washington (chose from the coloring pages listed above)

1. Have each child color a portrait of George Washington.
2. Write below his face, “George Washington, The Father of Our Country.”
3. Let the children glue red, white, and blue stars around the edges of the paper to make a patriotic frame around his face.

Cherry Tree Picture
While the story about George Washington chopping down his father’s cherry tree is only a myth, it’s a fun one for kids to hear and teaches a good lesson on honesty. You can read the Cherry Tree Story to your class and have them create their own cherry trees.

You Will Need:
1 sheet of paper per student
Crayons, markers, or paints in brown and green
Pink pom-poms

1. Draw a tree with a brown trunk and many branches.
2. Add some green leaves and grass, if desired.
3. Glue the pink pom-poms (younger kids) to the tree, or crumple the tissue paper squares (older kids) and glue them to the tree.
4. Add any other embellishments to the scene you wish (i.e. George Washington, a hatchet, the White House, etc.)

Note: Since preschoolers sometimes do better with a literal translation, you could use red pom-poms to represent actual cherries instead of the pink for the cherry blossoms.

Abraham Lincoln

The Story of Abraham Lincoln
Preschoolers can learn about our 16th president through simple text and pictures in this informative board book. The story covers his childhood in Indiana, his leadership during the Civil War, his presidency, and his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Preschoolers will get a succinct lesson about Lincoln with colorful pictures that will keep them engaged.

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Children will have fun learning the words about Lincoln sung to these familiar tunes.

Do You Know?
(Sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Do you know who’s on the penny?
On the penny? On the penny?
Do you know who’s on the penny?
Abraham Lincoln.

Mr. Lincoln
(Sung to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln,
You were brave.
Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln,
You were good.
You stood up for what was right,
You did not give up the fight,
Mr. Lincoln, you were brave,
You were good!

Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln,
You were brave.
Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln,
You were good.
You served our country well,
Your praises we will tell,
Mr. Lincoln, you were brave,
You were good!

Coloring Pages

Abraham Lincoln Portrait in Front of the Flag with a caption that reads, “Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States.”

Abraham Lincoln sitting in a chair

Front and back of the penny

Realistic Portrait of Lincoln with a short bio at the bottom of the page.


L is for Lincoln
This simple craft introduces preschoolers to the faces on our currency, as well as Abraham Lincoln and the letter L.

You Will Need:
Colored construction paper
A printed out portrait of Lincoln (choose from one of the coloring pages above)
6 pennies
Heavy-duty craft glue

1. Color the portrait of Lincoln and cut it out, either tracing the lines of his silhouette or making an oval around his face.
2. Glue the portrait vertically to the construction paper, leaving room at the bottom of the paper.
3. Make an L with the pennies and glue them with craft glue below the portrait to the left side, making sure Lincoln’s face is showing on each one.
4. Write “incoln” next to the L to spell out Lincoln.

Log Cabin Picture
Preschoolers will love recreating Abraham Lincoln’s log cabin in this simple craft.

You Will Need:
Construction paper or other heavy-duty paper
Short popsicle sticks

1. Make a log cabin out of popsicle sticks on your paper and glue them down. Make sure you leave a space for the door, and windows if you wish.
2. Draw a roof, grass, trees, etc. and even young Abe in and around your cabin.

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Abraham Lincoln Masks
This Presidents’ Day craft for kids is fun because Lincoln is probably our most visually memorable president with his stovepipe hat and beard. Kids will enjoy wearing these masks and learning more about Lincoln.

You Will Need:
1 white paper plate per child
Black construction paper
Black pom-poms
Large wooden popsicle sticks

1. Draw a face on your mask and cut out the eye holes (or have a teacher cut out the holes).
2. Glue black pom-poms around the bottom edge of the plate to represent Lincoln’s beard.
3. Cut out a stovepipe hat from the black construction paper and glue it to the top of the plate.
4. Glue a popsicle stick to the bottom of the plate so kids can hold the masks in front of their faces and pretend to be Abraham Lincoln.

President Obama & Family

First Family
This picture book follows the Obama family in a day at the White House. Preschoolers will learn about our current first family, and even their dog, Bo. Find out what it’s like to live in the White House, plant a garden there, host important dinners, and be followed by the Secret Service. Follow up discussion might include what it might be like if your own family lived in the White House.

We Salute the Presidents
Click on this link to get the words and music, as well as an instrumental accompaniment to this song.

Coloring Pages

Several Barack Obama Portraits with and without his name.

Links to many Obama coloring pages

Portraits of Barack Obama and the First Family


“If I lived in the White House . . .”
This craft/activity will allow preschoolers to get creative as they think about life for their own family in the White House.

You Will Need:
White House Coloring Page
Black marker

1. Print out a coloring page for each child and let them color it, as well as draw themselves and their family.
2. With a black marker, go around the room and write, “If I lived in the White House” and the end of the sentence that each child gives you.

You could also make copies of this coloring sheet with “If I lived in the White House” at the bottom to save you time.
