Strange and Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms

A few years ago, one of my friend’s started to complain about a strange metallic taste in her mouth. This symptom went on for a couple of weeks until she finally took a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant. Her doctor then told her, although not a symptom every woman gets, suddenly getting a weird metallic taste in your mouth can be a sign of pregnancy. Other women get other rare and unusual pregnancy symptoms. Here are a few to look out for if you think you might be pregnant.

Metallic Taste – The aforementioned metallic taste is a somewhat unusual but early sign of being pregnant. Doctors aren’t really sure why this metallic taste suddenly occurs and some will tell you you’re imagining it. You’re not. Some women report this taste and some doctors even consider it a sign of acid reflux, something that can happen to you when you’re pregnant. It can also just be because of a hormonal imbalance brought on by your pregnancy. If you get a metallic taste in your mouth, first of all get a pregnancy taste if there’s any chance you might be pregnant. And second, chew an antacid tablet or drink something as these two things can sometimes make the taste go away, if only temporary.

Increased Facial Hair – Only happening in a small percentage of women, another rare sign of pregnancy is a sudden growth of excess facial hair. As your hormones get all out of balance, one of the symptoms can be an increased growth in facial hair. An increase in sex hormones called androgens causes hair growth to increase in places you’ve never seen it before – above your lip, on your cheeks and chin, even on your chest, breasts and back. While it’s bothersome when you’re pregnant, it’s really nothing to worry about. A few weeks after giving birth, when your hormones start to get back to normal, you’ll see the excess hair starting to disappear.

See also  Pregnancy Symptoms: Early, Tell-Tale Signs

Skin Darkening/Strange Changes in Skin Pigmentation – Another odd sign of being pregnant can be a sudden change in your skin. Darkening of patches of your skin, on your face and all over your body, is a strange symptom of pregnancy. Caused by a temporary increase in melanin, which happens sometimes in pregnancy, you may also find things like freckles, moles and scars also get darker. Again, this odd symptom will go away a few weeks after giving birth. Meanwhile, cover up with a good sun screen when you go out so you don’t make the problem worse.

Prominence of Spider Veins – If you suddenly notice the veins in your legs, on your arms and even on your boobs are looking more prominent, this also can be a sign of pregnancy. Spider veins develop as a result of increased flow of blood in your body. Great for your baby, but not so great for the appearance of your legs, arms and even boobs. Don’t worry. They will go away. Again, a few weeks after you’ve given birth.

Nose Bleeds – Some women report nose bleeds before they know they’re pregnant. This can also be connected to a feeling of stuffiness and problems breathing. Before you take any medication for it, try using a humidifier at home. That can help with the dryness and, as dryness often can be a cause of nose bleeds, it will likely help with them too. For many women, the nose bleeds will lessen or stop the further into their pregnancies they get.

For many women, these weird, strange and rare symptoms can be upsetting and a little frightening. Don’t worry. They’re nothing bad. They’ll arrive soon after you get pregnant and likely depart just as fast. Just remember, they’re just a temporary nuisance and the little bundle at the end of it all will be well worth all the hassle.

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