Early Symptoms of Pregnancy: Beyond Missed Periods

Sometimes, early pregnancy symptoms can allude women. There are many symptoms pointing to a pregnancy that may seem to have nothing to do with pregnancy.

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed menstruation cycle. Missing a period is what causes most women to research further into a possible pregnancy. Implantation bleeding may also occur, which some women mistake for a light period. This can happen a few days after the egg implants itself in the uterus, and consists of very light spotting. Many women do not experience implantation bleeding, but it could definitely be the cause of any light spotting that you may see.

Tender, sore breasts are a common symptom of early pregnancy. Even this early in the pregnancy, your body is preparing your breasts to produce milk for breast-feeding and nourishing your child. Your nipples may become much darker than usual as well.

One strange symptom can be having a runny nose, or the feeling like a cold is coming. You may even feel like you may be getting the flu, but it simply never comes. Your stuffy, runny nose is due to higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy which can cause swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose.

Early pregnancy can lead to a state of constant queasiness, or actual vomiting, for many, many women. It can come on suddenly, or be triggered by certain smells. Ginger has helped many women battle their nausea, as has eating more frequently. Hopefully, this stage won’t last much longer than your second trimester, although you may be part of the lucky few who will experience no pregnancy related nausea.

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Fatigue may accompany early pregnancy, and it’s a symptom that may not let up until the middle of a pregnancy. Light fatigue or even exhaustion may accompany you through your day, and you might start to feel lightheaded by the middle of the day. Even getting out of bed in the morning might be more difficult than normal. Try to rest – your body is hard at work right now.

Lower pain in your back is an early pregnancy symptom which can be caused by several factors including weight gain and the fact that your posture has changed a bit due to the pregnancy.

Trips to the restroom become more and more frequent for many women from the beginning of their pregnancy right on until the end. Pregnancy causes a lot of extra body fluids to be processed by your kidneys and bladder, as well as a growing uterus which happens to lie very close to your bladder.

Sudden food aversions or cravings can be an early pregnancy symptom. Developing a heightened sensitivity to certain smells, even smells you once loved, is also very common. These symptoms can also make you feel more nauseous, as well.

Many women get sudden bouts of heartburn when they first become pregnant. Drinking enough water, eating wholesome foods and papaya enzymes may help with heartburn.


Early Pregnancy Symptoms
