Simple 3-Day-A-Week Workout Schedule

When it comes to fitness, most health experts believe that a well-rounded schedule should include strength training, cardio and flexibility workouts. But when our lives are already packed with work, family and social obligations, how are we to find the time for fitness, too?

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to increase your fitness levels and boost your overall health. In fact, you can create a well-rounded exercise schedule by working out just three days a week for an hour each time. Although you’ll never be a competitive athlete on this schedule, it is enough to keep your heart and body healthy.

Here are the three components of your workouts:

Cardio: This should involve any type of exercise that gets your blood pumping and boosts your heart rate. Good choices include walking, running, cycling, rowing, elliptical machines, step aerobics and jumping rope. You can also try cardio exercise DVDs.

Strength Training: This includes weight lifting or resistance exercises. Good examples are bicep curls with dumbbells, squats, lunges and crunches. If you’re unsure how to perform any of these exercises, hire a personal trainer or purchase a book about basic strength training routines. You may also need to purchase dumbbells or resistance bands.

These exercises should help stretch your muscles. Certain styles of exercise – like yoga – also increase your flexibility. If you’re unsure how to stretch, hire a personal trainer or buy a book about basic stretching routines.

Once you’ve decided what exercises you want to do, follow this 3-day workout program:

Day 1

•Cardio: Do 20 minutes of ‘interval’ cardio. This means you should vary your intensity throughout the exercise. If you’re running, for example, start with an easy pace for three minutes, then increase your speed for three minutes until the intensity is vigorous. After that, drop down to your easy pace again for the next three minutes. Repeat until you finish the entire thirty minute workout.

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•Strength Training: Spend 20 minutes focusing on upper body strength training exercises. This means you should choose exercises that target your chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Examples include bicep curls, tricep dips, chest presses, and back rows.

•Flexibility: Spend 20 minutes performing a fairly in-depth flexibility workout. Yoga is a good choice at this time.

Day 2
•Cardio: Do 30 minutes of moderate cardio. Maintain a fairly steady pace throughout this entire session. You’re working at a moderate pace if you find it fairly difficult – but not impossible – to have a conversation while exercising.

•Strength Training: Spend the next 20 minutes focused on lower body strength training exercises that target your legs and buttocks. Good choices include squats, lunges and calf raises.

Do 10 minutes of basic stretching.

Day 3
•Cardio: Do 40 minutes of easy cardio. Maintain a fairly steady pace. You should be able to easily carry a conversation. The purpose of this workout is to build your endurance, which is why you’re exercising longer than usual.

•Strength Training:
Spend 10 minutes doing exercises that target your abdominal muscles. Crunches and the plank position are good choices.

Do basic stretches for 10 minutes.

If you’re currently sedentary, this routine will help increase your fitness levels and boost your overall health.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
