Simon Cowell: The Bare-Naked Truth About

You know him as being the outspoken, often surly English judge on FOX’s smash hit “American Idol”. Simon Cowell freely tells the Idol contestants what he thinks of their singing performances. Oftentimes, he even verbally wrestles with host Ryan Seacrest. When he’s sitting in the judge’s chair, no one is safe from his vocalized attacks. Even though his role on “American Idol” has put his name in American households, there’s more to the man than meets the “eye-dol”, (pun intended). Here is the bare-naked truth about about Simon Cowell you’re sure to find interesting!

Criticism Began in His Early Childhood
Simon Philip Cowell was born in Brighton, England on July 10, 1959. You may think he acts like an “only, spoiled” child, but, in reality, his immediate family consisted of his parents, Eric and Julie, his younger brother Nicholas, half-brothers Michael, John and Tony, and a half-sister, Lindsay. However, Cowell did grow up under the guidance of hired nannies when he wasn’t in boarding school.

A bare-naked truth about Simon Cowell is that the first person he ever critiqued was his own mother. The four-year- old took one look at the white, furry pillbox hat she was wearing and announced, “Mum, you look like a poodle.”

Formal Education and Early Failures
Simon Cowell’s formal education ended when he quit high school at the age of sixteen. Which isn’t really surprising. Because, during his school years, Cowell’s troublesome behavior – which included drinking and smoking- got him kicked out of sixteen schools. The bare-naked truth is that he began drinking and smoking cigarettes when he was just nine years old. Kool brand cigarettes are his smokes of choice. And, he only drinks in the evening, but he never drinks so much that he becomes inebriated.

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His Earnings From “American Idol”
Although Simon Cowell may have higher sources of income from various business ventures, his most visible employment is being a judge on “American Idol”. For passing what most viewers see as being “harsh” judgment every week on Idol contestants, and gaining the unflattering nicknames of “Mr. Nasty” and “Judge Dread” earns him an estimated $30 million annually. Another bare-naked truth about Simon Cowell is that he receives a royalty on every release that every “American Idol” (including the British “Pop Idol” show) singer produces. It’s reported that Simon Cowell pays over $41 million in income tax annually. That would mean his total taxable income exceeds $100 million.

The Bully Is Bullied
Simon Cowell knows what it’s like to be picked on. Afterall, he and his chums were bullied when they were kids. But, believe-it-or-not, Cowell has gotten harassed in Britain as an adult. So, what was the cause of this vexation? His pants! It seems that, although he favors Armani clothing, (he has at least 30 black Armani tee shirts alone) Simon Cowell also likes to wear very high-waisted pants. He got so tired of the abuse that he started untucking his shirts or wearing pullovers to hide his waistline. No one can make fun of his nightime fashion, though, because he sleeps bare-naked.
