The Definition of a Spoiled Child

When people think of a spoiled child they usually envision an overbearing brat that gets just about everything they want. This is not necessarily the complete definition. A kid that is pandered to might not have the latest and greatest game systems or rooms filled with more toys and clothes than they could possibly ever use or need. They can be indulged in many other ways by well-meaning parents and relatives. In any case, they behave terribly when they do not get their way. Kids like this are not completely bad. They have good moments just like anyone, but they continue to push adults to the limit. The difference between these kids and others is very clear. They usually get exactly what they want, but in more ways than one. Read on to learn the real definition of a spoiled child. The answers may surprise you.

A Spoiled Child Will Get Away with Almost Everything

When contemplating the definition of a spoiled child, think beyond toys, games and material items. Now, shift your focus toward socially acceptable attitudes and behavior. The definition of a spoiled child covers those that get away with everything from continual displays of bad manners, meanness and the mistreatment of others. Some obviously gain pleasure from creating emotional pain, and they get away with it time and time again.

A Spoiled Child is Allowed to Be Disrespectful

A truly spoiled child can be very disrespectful. Those that are insolent and bad-mannered behave this way because they are allowed to. They probably have been from little on. A parent or caregiver has a nearly impossible task on their hands once the child reaches the age of eight. Before this age, kids learn most of what they know from parents. After the age of eight they listen to and learn from their peers. When a child is spoiled in the true definition of the word, they will not treat other kids kindly. The friends they are drawn to are likely to have the same issues, and the situation will not improve without intervention and professional counseling.

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The Attitude of a Truly Spoiled Child

The definition of a spoiled child goes even further beyond disrespect and consistently bad behavior. A perfect child does not exist, but the behavior of this type of child is far from normal. Imagine if all children behaved this way. It is definitely not acceptable in school, at daycare, in church or in any situation. However, those without real mental problems know exactly what they are doing, and they know when to do it. They also know how to push their parent’s buttons to ultimately get what they want. When parents are inconsistent with consequences, these kids know they will get their way in the end. They pout, whine and throw ridiculous tantrums, and punishments are uttered but rarely fulfilled.

Parents and caregivers that allow children to continue this type of unacceptable behavior are not doing these kids a favor. In fact, they are setting them up for a very difficult life. Many will end up expecting everything handed to them on a platter. Forget about silver. These are the types of individuals that expect solid gold, but this is not a long-term goal. As young adults, a truly spoiled child will want and expect everything their parents worked decades to obtain, and they will want it now. Kids that fall under the definition of the truly spoiled will become adults with the same objectionable characteristics. Unless they finally grow up and make a drastic change in attitude and are able to think beyond themselves, they will fail miserably in many aspects of life.

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Source: Daycare Experience and Parenting Observations