RuneScape Gold Guide – the Best Free Gold Guide Online!

Chapter 1: Money Making

Section 1: Money Using Skills

The best way to make your first million is by using your character’s skills. The 2 best money making skills are Fishing, Woodcutting, and the skills that branch off of those.

Woodcutting methods

1. Raise your woodcutting to 30 so you can chop willows. Chop willows and sell them for 30-40 each. Willows go very very fast if you chop in draynor village or seers village, so this is very quick money. Once you raise your woodcutting to 50, proceed to method 2 (If you are a member). If you are a non member, raise your woodcutting to 60, and proceed to step 3. You should make about 600k gold off of step 1.

2. If you have 50 woodcutting, it is a lot easier to chop maples. Maples sell for about 90-100 each, and they are moderately high in demand. There are maple crops all around seers village which makes banking EASY. Chop maples and sell them until you reach 60 or 70 woodcutting. 70 is recommended for step 3. If you cut until 70, you should have made about 4 Million gold.

3. At 70 woodcutting, you will be able to chop yews very easily. The best yew chopping spots are at Edgeville, The Tree Gnome Stronghold, and Seers Village. If you are a member, plant yourself at seers village and chop until level 75. If you are a non member, plant yourself in edgeville and chop forever. You can make up to 200k an hour chopping yews as a non member. Yews sell for about 300 each. When you reach level 75 woodcutting, you should have made about 2.2 Million gold, which makes your total gold earned from woodcutting 6.8 Million.

4. Ok, so you are level 75 woodcutting… you can now chop magics. These sell for 1k-1.1k each. I suggest you buy a dragon woodcutting axe, because you can make millions a week on magics. Set yourself up behind the duel arena. There is a bank right by, and the trees aren’t as crowded. If you do this every time you play, you can make upwards of 4-5m Gold PER DAY!

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Fletching – The best Woodcutting branch off

1. You will need level 70 fletching and be able to do high level alchemy for this.

2. Ok, Yew longbows sell for a lot, so what you do is buy a bunch of nature runes at 280-300 each, then fletch a bunch of yew longbows.

3. High Alch the yew longbows.

4. You can normally average about 3k bows a day, which is about 2.1m. When you cut out the cost of nats, you can make about 1.2m a day.

5. making your own nats makes it easier.

Fishing – Quick and Easy money

1. To make money off of fishing, we will first need toget to level 40 fishing. My advice is to just fly fish, and drop.

2. Now that you have level 40 fishing, go to catherby, and fish lobster. Play your PSP or gameboy while your character fishes to pass the time. Bank, etc. Lobster sells for 200-250 each RAW. We are gunna fish lobster in seers until lvl 65. Then we can enter the fishing guild. When you reach lvl 65, you should have made about 1.3 Million Gold.

3. Now that you are in the fishing guild, set yourself up at a dock. We are going to fish lobster until level 80. When you reach level 80, you should have made 4.2 Million gold.

4. Now we are going to fish shark. This is where your money comes in big time. Shark sell for 900 each. If you fish shark a lot, you can average 2 MILLION GOLD PER DAY.Section 2: Merchanting

Merchanting is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make money in RuneScape. The only problem for some people is that it requires patience, and strategy.

Here is a list of some of the best things in RuneScape to merchant.

  • Barrows Sets
  • Vials of Water
  • Food (Shark and Lobster)
  • Yew Logs
  • Magic Logs
  • Rannar seeds
  • Rannar weed
  • Rares (Santa hats, Party hats, etc.)
  • Rune Armor/ Weapons
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To merchant, there are a few easy steps.

1. Buy the item at a low price from a player or store.

2. Sell the item at a higher price to players.

3. Rebuy the item(s) at a low price and repeat.

For example, we can buy vials of water from Ardougne General store for 12gp each. I can collect about 5000 of them for a grand total of 60k spent. I can then go on the RuneScape forums, and sell those vials of water for 210 each making myself 1050k (1m).

Merchanting requires patience, but if you have it, you can make millions a day.

Section 3: Investing in Rares

If you have money in RuneScape, investing in a rare item is a must. These items include the Santa Hat, The Halloween mask set, the Party Hats, Pumpkins, Easter Eggs, and the Disc of Returning.

I recommend you buy one of the hats. I bought 2 santas and a Halloween mask set, and I let them sit until the Christmas event, and I had earned an easy 23 million gold.

You can invest in these by following these steps.

  • Keep an eye on the rare you want.
  • When you see it drop in price, buy it.
  • Keep the rare until you see it raise in price, then sell it.
  • Wait until it drops again, then buy it again.
  • Keep doing this over and over, with lots of rares and you can be pulling in 100+ million gold!

Chapter 2: Training Accounts

Section 1: What is ‘Power training’?

Power training refers to players training 1 skill on 1 thing without stopping for a long period of time. I am going to teach you how to do this.

Section 2: Powertraining Combat

Everyone in RuneScape wants their combat level high. The answer on how to achieve that is simple. Powertrain your skills.

Level 3-30

  • Stay in lumbridge, and kill chickens. This may sound stupid, but it is the best. Chickens don’t hit on you, and you can raise your stats on them for awhile.
  • Once you hit level 20, start killing cows. They drop meat that you can cook to heal yourself.
  • Once you reach level 30, give yourself a break.
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Level 30-60

· Train on scorpions in the al kharid mine until level 40.

· At level 40, go to the Varrock Sewers, and kill Zombies and skeletons.

Level 60-90

· POWERTRAIN on rock crabs in Relekka. They have high hp, and rarely hit you.

Level 90-100

· You have a choice this time. Harpie bug swarms are good training. They are located on Karamja.

· Baby Blue Dragons in the dungeon west of falador. They drop babydragon bones, which are good fro prayer.

· Elementals below seers village. They don’t hit often.

Level 100-126


Chapter 3: Training Pure, and Tank Accounts

Section 1: Training a pure account

If you have been PKing before, you would no that pures own the wilderness. They dominate anyone who comes in their path.

There are 3 main types of pures.

  • Strength Pure
  • Ranged Pure
  • Mage Pure

Pure simply means that the player only trains 1 or 2 combat skills. Ranged pures will always train ranged only, mages will always train mage only, and Strength will train both attack and strength.

So to train a pure, just raise the combat stat you will use for PKing very high.

Section 2: Turning a pure into a tank

Once you reach a high level as a pure, it becomes safe, and necessary to raise your defense.

For a range pure, you should start training defense around level 60 ranged. And train it to 40,

The same goes for a Mage pure.