The Best Fishing Knot for Every Situation

If you spend any time at all fishing you are undoubtedly aware of a fishing knot for tying your lure, hook, or other piece of terminal tackle onto your fishing line. If you are anything like I used to be, you know how to tie a single fishing knot and use this knot any time that you are fishing. This “system” worked well for me right up until I started adding new types of lures and fishing line to my fishing repertoire. I found that my “go to” knot was no good at all when it came to using braided fishing line and when I tried to use a certain kind of fishing lure that had a different eyelet than previous lures, my “go to” fishing knot simply wouldn’t hold.

After doing a little research I discovered that there is a best fishing knot, but that knot will vary from fishing situation to fishing situation. In other words if you attempt to catch fish and use more than a single technique or method for doing so, you need to know how to tie a few different fishing knots. In this article I will outline a few popular fishing techniques and the best fishing knot to know how to tie for that particular fishing situation.

Fly Fishing – Fly fishing requires specialized rods, reels, line, and leaders so is there any question that spacial fishing knots might be needed? Of course not and the best fishing knot for attaching your leader to your fly line is a nail knot. This fishing knot uses a small piece of plastic tubing or nail that is removed as the knot itself is tightened. Attaching your leader to your fly line is a must when fly fishing and this fishing knot is a great way to accomplish this task.

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Ultralight Spin Fishing – Ultralight spin fishing involves the use of lightweight mono filament fishing line and the best fishing knot to use to tie a knot in mono filament fishing line is a clinch or improved clinch knot. This fishing knot is very simple to learn and is a great “go to” fishing knot for tying a knot in mono filament fishing line.

Bass Fishing – Bass fishing is a very popular style of fishing and a fishing line that is extremely popular among bass fishermen is braided fishing line. Braided fishing line doesn’t stretch at all, which is something that bass fishermen like in many bass fishing situations, but tying a fishing knot in braided line can be difficult. The best fishing knot to use for braided fishing line is a Polomar knot. This easy to tie fishing knot works on other types of fishing line as well, but it very good for braided fishing line.

The bottom line is that there is no best fishing knot for every fishing situation, but the aforementioned knots are great for the fishing situations listed above. Add one or all of these knots to your fishing repertoire sooner, rather than later.