Protein Sources for Vegetarian Bodybuilders

With the rapid growth of supplement companies, being a vegetarian became a lot easier. The old worries of being a vegetarian, like the need for B vitamins, quickly disappeared when vitamins hit the market. Now the problem with being a vegetarian spawned the need for adequate amounts of protein for the vegetarian bodybuilder.

To grow muscles and recover from a workout, bodybuilders need at least 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, and sometimes 2 grams per pound of bodyweight is often suggested. Meeting this requirement would be easy for most omnivores, but what about the vegetarian?

The best sources of protein comes from eggs, milk, beef, chicken, fish and protein drinks, which are either a blend of whey and casein or simply just whey and casein. But for the vegetarian bodybuilder these are off limits, so what can they consume that is high in protein?

Nowadays supplement companies and food companies have a product for everyone and every lifestyle.

First on the list for must-haves for a vegetarian bodybuilder is protein drinks. Protein drinks now come from different sources, not just milk and meat. Companies now released protein drinks that come from rice, pea, soy and hemp sources. These protein drinks offer the same amount of protein as whey and casein. Most health stores carry these products so bodybuilders don’t have to go through the pains of ordering on the internet.

The next protein source with a punch is milk: soy milk, rice milk and almond milk. These products are great not just for vegetarian bodybuilders, but also bodybuilders who are lactose intolerant. Soy milk, rice milk and almond milk carry at least 2/3 the amount of protein as regular cow’s milk. Another thing that is good about these products is that it’s healthier for the consumer in the long run. It doesn’t go through dangerous processes that kill the nutrients. These are perfect for smoothies and post workout shakes.

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Tofu is another great source of protein. Tofu contains soy protein and it regulates estrogen in the human body. Tofu can be cooked and or eaten raw. When cooked it can be used in pasta dishes, and can be used in substitution for a hamburger patty. If used raw, it goes great with salads and smoothies.

The next product which is often overlooked is bread. Since Ezekiel bread hit the markets bodybuilders and health enthusiasts has stocked their shelves with this great product. Ezekiel bread is made solely of sprouted grains and it got its name from the bible, where god says in Ezekiel 4:9 to make bread of sprouted grains. This product is not only great for vegetarian bodybuilders but also for diabetics. These are great for snacks and sandwiches. Just remember to keep it refrigerated.

Nut butters are another great source of protein. Forget about the commercial nut butters like jiff and skippy, those are filled with sugars and hydrogenated oils. On the other hand natural nut butters or organic nut butters are rich in protein and essential fats. Great sources of organic nut butters are almond butter, cashew butter and peanut butter. These go great on top of the Ezekiel bread and it adds to the daily protein count.

The last source to mention is beans. Beans are high in fiber and minerals. Most protein from beans contains most of the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that the body cannot make. It needs it from food. Good sources of beans are black beans, kidney beans, chick peas and soy beans. Add them to soups, stews and salads.

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With these products, finding an adequate amount of protein has gotten easier for the vegetarian bodybuilder.
