Product Review: Metamucil Berry Burst

I had a free sample of Metamucil in the cabinet that I forgot about until the other day when I was looking for something. It was about to expire, so I decided to try it. This product, Metamucil Berry Burst, is designed not only as a laxative, but can alternatively be used as a fiber supplement.

Flavor, Texture, and Appearance

The Berry Burst Metamucil is a powder that needs to be mixed with at least 8 ounces of water or another liquid. I decided to try water. The color of the liquid when mixed with water is a deep pink. It is really smooth for a fiber drink, but I did notice a small amount of tiny granules adhering to the side of the glass as I drank it. It didn’t taste bad at all. I was expecting a thick, chalky liquid like from many years ago when Grandmom used to use similar products on occasion, but not so. This product wasn’t thick, although it wasn’t quite as thin and smooth as water, but it wasn’t unpleasant. This is a product I would be able to drink daily without feeling like I was forcing myself to get more fiber in my diet.

I did notice a slight odor to this product, but it’s certainly tolerable and nothing that bothered me, however it may possibly bother some people.

Dosing for laxative and fiber supplement are very similar. This product is safe for adults and children over the age of 6. For adults, the product can be mixed with at least 8 ounces of fluid and taken up to three times daily.

Active Ingredient: Psyllium Husk

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Psyllium husk is derived from crushed seeds of an herb native to Asia, the Mediterranean and North Africa and is rich in soluble fiber like oats, flax seeds, beans, wheat, and barley. Psyllium husk may help reduce cholesterol and risk of heart disease when incorporated into a balanced diet.

Since psyllium husk is a type of fiber, it can help relieve constipation naturally. Psyllium has also been shown to act “as prebiotics – aiding to heal the inner lining of the inflamed intestines,” according to Psyllium Husk for High Cholesterol and Heart Disease.

Berry Burst Metamucil As a Laxative

According to the Metamucil website, “Metamucil contains a bulk-forming fiber without any chemical stimulants. The active ingredient, psyllium, is a harvested grain that absorbs and holds moisture. This causes the psyllium to swell, supplying the necessary bulk to help form an easily eliminated stool. Metamucil will not cause immediate evacuation but generally produces an effect in 12 to 72 hours.”


I was able to find Metamucil Berry Burst online and in popular retailers for between $11 and $15 for a 23.3 ounce container of the powder mix. This size container provides over 100 servings, so if you take it three times a day as a supplement, it will last at least a month.


Some people may be allergic to psyllium, so anyone sensitive to inhaled or ingested psyllium should consult their physician before trying this product. Metamucil Berry Burst also contains phenylalanine, an artificial sweetener that some people cannot ingest.

The label warns to always mix with at least 8 ounces of liquid and cautions that “taking this product without enough liquid may cause choking.”

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One final warning for those on prescription medications: you might want to consult your doctor before taking this product or find out when to take the product as coordinated with your normal pills because it may reduce the efficacy and rate of absorption of your normal prescriptions.

Available Forms of Metamucil

Metamucil is available as a powder to mix with liquids in a variety of flavors such as Berry Burst, Pink Lemonade, and Orange. Metamucil also produces capsules to consume and fiber wafers for those who prefer not to drink the liquid form of fiber. Metamucil is available in both “smooth” and “coarse” textures depending upon your preference. All Metamucil products, except the wafers, are gluten free and have a low glycemic index, so they have a fairly low impact on blood sugar levels.

All Metamucil products are safe to take any time of the day, with or without food, as long as the proper amount of liquid is used and directions are followed.


product packaging and labeling
personal experience and opinion
Metamucil: FAQ
Psyllium Husk for High Cholesterol and Heart Disease