Prepare for the ACT: Tips and Practice Tests

You go through years of school only to find out that the one thing standing between you and your ideal college is the ACT exam. As the moment nears and the day of the exam approaches, you begin to feel quite uneasy. If you cannot make it to an ACT study session or if your school does not have an ACT prep class offering, you can still rest easy. If you are looking for free ACT prep exams that you can take online, you will want to check out this list of free ACT prep websites.

ACT Student – The best place to go to review sample ACT questions is at the ACT exam’s website. The ACT test prep section gives you several questions (with answers) to review in each of the sections that the ACT tests students on (English, Math, Reading, Science, as well as sample prompts from the Writing section). This ACT prep site is perfect in giving students the jist of what to expect on the day of the test. The questions that are on the ACT prep tests are of the same caliber that the student will see on the ACT exam.

Number 2 – This is an excellent resource for students looking to take an accurate ACT prep test. At the website, you will have to sign up for the ACT prep, but it is completely free. Joining the site allows them to track your progress on these ACT prep tests so that you can see where your strength and weaknesses are. In addition, you can sign up to receive free ACT prep tips through email on whatever day you would like. You can choose just one day per week or you can choose to receive ACT prep tips daily.

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Spark Notes – Spark Notes are not just for giving you a review on a book that you really didn’t have an interest in reading. Spark Notes created a wonderful resource to give you tips on taking the ACT exam. While it is not necessarily an ACT prep, it gives you great insight and tips for each section of the ACT exam. It does not really go into the Writing part of the ACT exam, but it is still a wonderful resource for those who will be taking the ACT exam.

Yahoo Education – Yahoo has a wide variety of ACT test prep questions in each of the categories. You can answer about 10 questions for each section. After you select the answer that you think is correct for this ACT test prep exam, Yahoo will give you the correct answer and explain to you why an answer was incorrect or correct. This way you do not have to guess and it is easily explained, giving you insight into what the ACT exam might hold.

4 Tests – You can select one section or all four sections of the ACT exam and do an ACT test prep exam. It will have the feel of taking the actual ACT exam, except for the fact that you will not have the stress that goes along with it. You will go through each of the sections and then at the end, this ACT prep scores your exam and it will show you where your strengths and weaknesses are. 4 Tests is an excellent resource for ACT prep, offering a wide variety of different methods to help you be successful on your ACT exam.

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Princeton Review – The Princeton Review is an excellent source for ACT prep. You will have to register at the website but you will be able to take an entire full length ACT prep test for free. This ACT test prep will give you a very thorough review on what to expect when you take your ACT exam and it will also give you even more useful tips for preparing for and taking your ACT exam.

Tips for Success

1. When you arrive to take your ACT exam, you may be feeling stressed or even overwhelmed. The best thing to do is relax. Being upset or stressed is just going to hinder your concentration.

2. Read the directions in the test booklet very carefully. While you are taking the test, make sure that you read each question carefully.

3. Don’t rush through the test. Take your time. If you get stuck on a question, leave it and continue to the next question. After you get through all of the questions that you know, go back to the questions that you were unsure of.

4. When you are dealing with a question that you are unsure of the answer to, then eliminate the answers that you know are incorrect. This way you are able to make an educated guess. You never get penalized for guessing an answer.

5. Always go with your first instinct. Studies have shown that your first answer is usually always right.

6. If you finish early and there is still time left to take the test, then go back and review your work. Make sure that you did not skip any questions and make sure that you only have one circle filled in for each question. Check to make sure that anything you have erased has been erased properly and completely so the scoring machine doesn’t pick it up.

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The ACT exam can seem quite overwhelming and you may think that your whole college life will depend on this one test. Just remember that admission people in colleges also look at your high school transcripts and the activities that you have been involved in. If you feel that you have done terribly on your ACT exam, always remember that you can take it again and try to improve your score.