How to Get into Film School

Do you dream of becoming a famous movie director? Film school might be a good first step to achieving your goal. Unfortunately, it is hard to get into most famous film schools. Too many people apply each year, so only the best students are accepted. Here are some tips that might help you get into your dream film school.

Get Good Grades in High School

This might seem obvious, but it is still very important. Colleges and universities want the smartest students they can find. Make sure you have a good high school GPA, and do your best on the SAT/ACT test if you want to increase your odds of getting into film school.

Practice Writing

Most film school applications will have a writing section. You will probably have to write about why you want to go to film school. This section will be extremely important. Writing is a huge part of filmmaking, so film schools will want the best writers they can get. And whatever you do, make sure your essay is not boring. Filmmakers are story tellers. Make sure your essay is entertaining to read and demonstrates your creativity.

Practice Making Films

Chances are, if you are applying to a film school, one section of the application will be making a film. If you practice making films on your own, this part will be much easier than it would be for someone making his or her first video. And honestly, people generally tend to improve as they gain more experience. Making videos can be extremely fun. If you know anyone that likes to act, try making a few short films with this person. Once again, and this point cannot be stressed enough, film schools care about storytelling. Many filmmakers forget that the most important part of any film is the story. Make sure your film is entertaining, creative, and that is has a good story.

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Make a Creative Resume

Some film schools might require that you submit a creative resume. This would include anything that you have done in the past that involves creativity, such as making short films, making a photography portfolio, writing short stories and poems, etc. This can help you look more experienced.

Consider Taking Related Classes

Consider taking some film related classes. While still in high school, think about taking a summer class at a local community college. If you do well in this class, you can send the transcript to the film school you are applying to. This will demonstrate your passion for film, and should you be accepted into a film school, this class might even give you some class credits.

Final Advice

Film schools are extremely competitive to get into. If you aren’t accepted into any film schools, please, do not ever lose your passion for film. Do not be discouraged. The world needs creative minds like yours. Filmmaking is a great hobby, and besides, there are quite a few famous directors that never went to film school. So go on, follow your dreams. I’ll see you at the movies.