Cognitive Dissonance and Mental Health

Cognitive dissonance is the sense of uneasiness over built up tension that has surfaced from contradictory thoughts in one’s mind. This dissension happens because we are biased to a given situation, the dominance of a thought that may not be correct and also when one fails to justify an act or the difference of opinion.

Dissonance is often felt when a person perceives something and the end result is totally different from what was perceived. In simple terms, you think something but act in a different way when the situation arises and finally end up feeling guilty or dissonant.

What Can Be Done?

Cognitive dissonance is a potent tool that can alter our beliefs or deeds completely. The two contrasting theories make one feel under pressure and also build up unnecessary tension. There are three options that can make us feel better while experiencing cognitive dissonance – behavior modification, rationalizing your action or justifying the act.

Dissonance is more powerful when it is about one’s own behavior or thought. When one is in the process of protecting their self-image they often act unwise or even wicked to cover up their act of dissonance. It so happens that people change their beliefs and ideas after they act against their own wish or thoughts. This kind of behavior can be generally felt while making important decisions in our life, where one may have to act completely opposite of their beliefs, finally becoming a victim of cognitive dissonance.

You often feel dissension when you have drawn a totally different picture of a situation and things happens otherwise. Cognitive dissonance shows up while assessing or concluding things. This can also be used as an imperative tool to experience new changes around us.

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The magnitude of this feeling amplifies depending on its cause and affect in a person’s life. Higher the dissonance the more time it may take to correct it.

Exploring The Subject

This theory was discovered by Festinger in his research in the 1950s. He states in his research that those individuals who were influenced by their guru about the world coming to an end on December 21st and these people will be saved by aliens became more inclined towards the sect when none of this happened! Rather than accepting their foolishness of believing such news, they changed their belief to cover-up the blunder. They claimed that in fact it were the aliens’ who actually saved the world, through indirect means.

Another good example of cognitive dissonance are people who have the habit of smoking. All of us know that smoking is harmful to health; even smokers know it but they have all the excuses to continue their habit.

Positive Reinforcement

Cognitive dissonance can be used as a key to motivate a person to change his thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values and habits. The pressure can be induced slowly or all of a sudden, depending on the situation and need. However the results can be either a small change or a drastic one.

Learn to detach yourself from these unpleasant feeling. Find out who or what has made you feel dissonant and then slowly eliminate it to feel better and live a quality life.
