Natural Ways to Induce Labor

So your nine months pregnant and probably starting to wonder if you will ever see your little one. The end of pregnancy can seem to last forever. Good news there are some natural ways to encourage labor to begin. There are some methods of naturally inducing labor, which are safe. However you should not attempt to induce labor until you are full term. Full term is 37-40 weeks!

Pressure points to induce labor

Acupressure is over 5,000 years old and was started in china. It is used to treat many illnesses. It is also used to induce labor or stimulate contractions.

Hoku:This pressure point is found at the top of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Feel between your thumb and index finger until you feel and angle where the bones connect. To start contractions rub this point, amazingly enough this point can also be used as pain relief during labor.

Spleen 6: This point is found on the inside of the mother-to-be’s ankle. Find the ankle bone and move up the mothers leg about four of her fingers width, at this point using some pressure rub for about one minute.

Hint!! These points are highly sensitive to the mother, she will be able to communicate to you when you have hit the right spot.

Sex to induce labor

Yes! Sex may have got you pregnant but it may also help start labor naturally, so it can work both ways.

How it works:

Oxytocin can cause contractions to begin. One way to release oxytocin is to stimulate the mothers breasts, to be more specific her nipples. This can be done orally or manually, and can be done apart from or during sexual intercourse. So if your not in the mood to make love try rubbing and massaging the breast and nipple to stimulate them.

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Semen contains a hormone called prostaglandins, this hormone is responsible for causing the uterus to contract. However it does not mean that labor will always be induced, sometimes it just helps mature the mothers cervix, getting it ready for labor.

Hint!! Remember sexual intercourse does not always work in inducing labor. Sex will most effectively induce labor if you are past your due date or your cervix is fully matured.

Eating spicy food to induce labor

For many, many years people have used eating spicy foods as a way to induce labor. However there is no proof that this is true, no studies have shown that eating spicy foods will either start or stimulate contractions, although many hundreds of women have said that after eating spicy foods, they went into labor.

Hint!! Remember if you eat a huge meal of your favorite spicy food and then go into labor, you may find that you vomit and see your dinner again in a not so pleasant way!

If you are considering trying to naturally induce labor it is best to talk it over with your health care provider first. Make sure you are at full term in your pregnancy 37-40 weeks. Also remember not every method will work. If you find that no natural methods seem to be working for you it is most likely your body saying that it is just not ready yet. The key is to be patient, your little one will enter the world when he is good and ready.