Ways to Help Induce Your Labor Naturally

To give birth is a process that can only be described as no other. It is a miracle and a blessing and in some instances scary for some women. There are some ways to induce labor naturally and safely. Some people believe in old school methods while some people believe in current and up-to-date methods. There are many different ways to induce labor however before any method is practiced always consult a physician before doing so.

These methods are only for women who are 40 weeks into pregnancy or overdue. This is because the due date may be inaccurate by a few weeks. It is safety that is important before anything. Walking is an excellent way to induce labor. This process allows the hips to sway from side to side which can help the baby more in positioning during the time of labor. It is also a good way of getting some exercise. By standing upright you are using gravity to move the baby down into the pelvis.

An old school method that some women practice is drinking juice or other liquid that contains drinking castor oil. This oil causes spasms in the intestine, which surrounds the uterus like a wall towards the end of pregnancy. These spasms cause the uterus to cramp which results in labor. Before digesting any type of liquid please consult your physician. Because the taste of castor oil is not so pleasant most women like to mix it with orange juice. This prevents the taste of the oiliness. Other women prefer the taste of natural raspberry tea. No types of preservatives added or other types of ingredient it must be natural. There are a number of women who prefer to eat their favorite Cajun or Mexican dish. These methods have been known to induce labor naturally however they work for some but not for all. Some testify to the fact that the special ingredient of the food was the magical trick. There are other natural ways to induce labor through digestion. These herbs that can be found easily online, or in health food stores and tend to help induce labor through blue or black cohosh. These particular types of cohosh are good for women who have weak or irregular contractions. The blue cohosh makes the uterine contractions stronger, while the black cohosh regulates contractions. Together these types of natural herbs are an excellent team to induce labor naturally.

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The next method that is common among women is sex. Sex is probably the lasts thing that is on a nine-month pregnant woman’s mind, but it has been found to be an excellent method of inducing labor. It causes pressure which good for the prostaglandins. This particular ingredient is found in your partner’s semen, which gives of the proper function of inducement.

Many women in today’s society are more accepting to natural ways of all things. Such as organic foods and practicing yoga and Pilates. In addition to inducing labor naturally acupressure is a great method for some women. Some pressure points can be found in the roof of your mouth, also in the webbing of your fingers. The other pressure points are in the thumb and above the ankle about four finger spaces above are the pressure points. For just some women the art of visualization and practicing the breathing methods is a great way to help induce labor naturally. To sit in a quiet place and to picture oneself in the atmosphere, visualizing a calm and safe labor helps ease the mental state as well as physical.

There are two more types of methods to help induce labor, which are not too popular but have been known to produce accuracy. Nipple stimulation is a way of inducing labor painlessly. This process takes place by massaging the nipple area by bringing out the release of oxytocin. This is a natural form of pitocin. Oxytocin causes contractions that can produce goal-reaching efforts. Although some practitioners do not recommend this process it can sometimes prolong the labor and can cause strong uterine contractions resulting in slow fetal heart rate.

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Stripping the membrane is the last process to introduce to induce labor naturally. It has been said that it feels like a vaginal examination. Although sometimes painful or even may cause cramping it is a process that should only be done by a physician. This process sweeps the amniotic membrane free of their attachment to the lower part of the uterine cavity. Once this process is done it then releases hormone-like substances called prostaglandins.

In conclusion inducing labor naturally can be safe and peaceful. However before attempting any type of method consult a practitioner to verify what method is best for you and your baby. Every woman is different and all have different types comfort zones. Whichever type of method is used, the most important thing is to relax, don’t stress and visualize your precious gift, which is about to come into your life.
