Ultimate Reproductive Guide: Women and Infertility Part Three- Pressure Points

There are many aspects and phases to the cycle of reproduction. We will be taking a closer look at the different phases a woman’s body goes through, why pressure points are important, and how to replenish reproductive function and get rid of infertility in women.

Infertility and Pressure Points: Reproductive Phases

The complexities of the reproductive system in women may seem difficult to understand but really, when broken down it is actually relatively easy to comprehend. So what are the different phases of a woman’s cycle and why would we need to know this? That’s’ the simple part. Once you realize all the different phases your body goes through you can find out what may be the trouble and why you are experiencing issues of infertility.

Follicular Phase- The first phase of the menstrual cycle; this is the time when the egg is ripening for ovulation

Ovulation- The expulsion of a mature egg from its follicle in the outer layer of the ovary which usually occurs on approximately day 14 of a normal 28-day menstrual cycle.

luteal Phase- The third phase of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation has occurred, and the corpus luteum produces progesterone primarily to maintain the thickness of the endometrium lining in the uterus in the event that fertilization has occurred. If fertilization has not occurred, progesterone production stops and the endometrium lining is shed during menstruation.

Pre-menstrual-The time just before menstruation; often times this is where the mood swings occur.

Menstruation – The phase of the menstrual cycle during which the lining of the uterus is shed (the first day of menstrual flow is considered day 1 of the menstrual cycle).

Infertility and Pressure Points: Acupressure

Acupuncture is very popular and has been known to treat and cure infertility in women for centuries. However, if you have something against the sheer thought of needles penetrating your skin (although, there is no pain involved because it does not pierce the delicate nerves) then you may want to stimulate the pressure points on your own. The idea behind acupressure is just to stimulate different pressure points of your body and it does that through the heat sensation.

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Acupressure stimulates the same pressure points through a small amount of force pressing against these certain points and with the release follows a massaging motion; this can all be done with your finger or thumb. The massaging motion can either be vigorously back and forth in a small space or in a clockwise circular motion, it is really up to you and whatever you feel more comfortable with.

Infertility and Pressure Points: Specific Reproductive Pressure Points

If you don’t know, or are still unclear of, the exact problems that are impacting your reproductive health and are causing signs of infertility you may want to stimulate all pressure points indicated in this segment. Remember, stimulation of pressure points can not hurt you at all. It will merely optimize function of the indicated areas of your body.

  • Ear Triangular Fossa- This area is located in the upper portion of the ear underneath the ridge at the top. By using both hands and pinching with your fore finger and your thumb; begin massaging the fossa area. This stimulates the uterus and the fallopian tubes, not to mention relieves stress and lowers blood pressure.
  • Intertragic Notch- This is the portion of the ear that is the crevice above the ear lobe. The dip in your ear should be massaged lightly with your finger nail in an upward motion. These points affect ovarian production.
  • Eyebrows-Where your eyebrows begin at the center of your forehead use your thumb and begin massaging with slight pressure in a gentle circular motion. This helps promote many different functions and allows blood to flow freely.
  • Scalp- Your scalp has pressure points located at the hair line or slightly above. Above your forehead in the corners you can feel tender areas when you apply a small amount of pressure. By massaging these areas you are regulating reproductive and pelvic function.
  • Uterus and ovarian Pressure Points- There are several pressure points in these regions. I will go through them with you. Approximately 4 inches below your belly button push in slightly with your index, middle, and ring finger and begin to rub with a gentle yet firm force. This is your uterus and you are stimulating normal uterine function.
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Five inches beneath the navel place your ruler to measure two inches across and this pressure point is at the center of the two inches. By using a circular massage and perhaps a little heat, this pressure point, when stimulated will treat disorders of infertility, menstruation problems and pain of child birth.

Ovarian pressure points would be at this uterus location but using a ruler measure three inches with the uterus pressure point being exactly in the middle. Using both hands, one on each side of the three inch measurement apply pressure and begin massaging in a circular motion. By stimulating these pressure points you can heal cases of cervical stenosis, infertility and menstrual problems.

·. By massaging this point you will aid in conception by reinforcing kidney function and usually it is only to be done during menstruation and ovulation.

· There are more pressure points on your back. These will obviously have to be done with the help of a partner. In the center of your back there are two pressure points on either side of your spine between each shoulder blade. At the end of your shoulder blade on the side of your spine is again another pressure point. In the small of your back there are four pressure points lined up laterally approximately an inch or so apart and your spine being the fifth pressure point exactly in the middle of the four. If your husband gives you a massage, be sure they are deep massages and they cover all of these pressure points. This will stimulate blood flow to the important organs that control your reproductive health.

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Infertility and Pressure Points: Closing

Infertility is treatable and even curable in most cases. Whether you suffer from menstruation problems or deficiencies where blood flow is concerned the acupressure practice can help. If you are not afraid of the painless procedure of acupuncture I suggest it because over 90% of infertile couples get results when they attend these sessions. But as I said before acupressure can be just as effective when used every other day.