How to Induce Labor Naturally

After enduring almost ten, long never ending months of pregnancy, nearly every woman wants to know the secrets of inducing labor. Natural methods of inducing labor go back several centuries and vary from simple physical techniques to using certain herbs to stimulate the body.

Several factors should be considered when considering inducing labor. The most important factor of inducing labor at home is the health of you and your unborn baby. You should always consult with your doctor or midwife before trying any form of induction while pregnant. If you are high risk, then inducing labor should not even be considered. Also, keep in mind that these methods of inducing labor work for some women but not for others. Some are considered folk lore while others are proven science.

Walk Your Way into Labor Induction

Walking is a great way to induce labor. Taking long walks in moderation can help induce labor as well as speed up the labor process for most women. It is very important to rest as needed and get plenty of fluids. Be sure not to over do it- you will need the extra energy once you have induced your labor.

Having Sex to Induce Labor

Believe it or not, what got you in this situation, can get you out of it! Sex is a great way to induce labor. Orgasms brought on by sex can cause contractions and help induce labor. In addition, semen contains prostaglandins which can also help the onset of contractions.

As with any other activity, if your doctor has advised you to refrain from having sex, then do so with out question.

See also  Pitocin & Labor Induction

Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation is another great way to induce labor for some women. So much so, that you may have been advised not to stimulate them to avoid putting yourself in labor. However, if it’s nearing your due date, and your baby is ready to make its entrance into the world nipple stimulation can be a very effective way to induce labor. Nipple stimulation works by stimulating the uterus which will cause it to contract. (Another reason you can have contractions for a few days after birth while breastfeeding.)

Simply rub your nipples between your thumb and forefinger for 10-15 minutes at the time. You may need to do this for a few hours to get things going strong. However, after a few sessions you may start feeling the process of labor and start having contractions. If so, continue to stimulate them at a pace that is comfortable for your. Just make sure your bags are packed and your doctor is in town!

Castor Oil

Castor Oil has been used for many years by pregnant women to induce labor. However, castor oil is sometimes considered to be an ‘old wives tale’ while others swear by it. It works to induce labor by stimulating the intestines which can cause cramping of the intestines which will spread to the uterine muscles.

Caution using Castor Oil:

~Just as castor oil can cause you to go to the bathroom, it can also cause your unborn child to have a bowel movement, creating meconium which can be a very dangerous situation.

See also  Inducing Labor: Pregnancy and Induction Facts

~Castor Oil can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other sickening symptoms making you feel worse then being pregnant.

~Castor Oil is not for everyone and should not be used if you have not started dilating or your cervix has not started softening. If you aren’t in the early stages, it’s a waste of time.

Induce Labor with Herbs

Once of the most ‘natural’ and subtle ways to induce labor may be with the use of herbs. Certain herbs such as blue and black cohosh can be used to induce labor. However, there are some potential side affects that some mothers may not be willing to risk. Cohosh has been none to raise the fetal heart rate and cause fetal heart attacks. Personally, many women don’t find it worth the risk to induce the labor.

Basil and Oregano have also been used to induce labor. They can be used in form of oils or in foods such as pizza, pastas, sauces and other meals.

The use of herbs for inducing labor is controversial for both effectiveness and safety.

Induce Labor with Swimming

A very fun and relaxing way to induce labor is by swimming. The physical exercise involved with swimming can naturally induce labor while helping to relieve the pressure and weight of a full term pregnancy. However, swimming should be avoided if your water has broken to avoid infection.

While these methods of naturally inducing labor have been known to work for several women, they do not always work for everyone. In addition, you should never try to induce labor early or without the approval of your doctor or midwife. Also, be sure to research any methods you plan to use prior to using them and weigh the pros and cons of the method and always consider the dangers of attempting to naturally induce labor.

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The best method of inducing labor is to let your body take its coarse and Mother Nature to play its part.