Natural Cure for Reflux Acid and Indigestion

Acid reflex and indigestion is that uncomfortable bloated feeling, or “gas pain” that one feels usually after eating a meal. This is common particularly if you live a stressful lifestyle and drink too much carbonated drinks and caffeine. Carbonated drinks are a no-no for those who are more prone to acid reflex or gas pains. Most of those who are fond of spicy and fatty foods and those who smoke usually suffer from “gas pains” after a meal or snack. The most natural tendency is to lie down which does not but can even make one feel worst.

Instead one should try other remedies such as drinking a warm glass of water preferably with several drops of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps calm the stomach slows down the production of digestive fluids. This helps calm the stomach and gives one relief after a few minutes.

There are also those who have eat figs with warm water and swear that this works best as a cure for acid reflux. Some try bananas, pears, apples or most fruits with enzymes that are known to help slow down the process of digestions. Some however have tried grapefruit and have warned that it can only make the pain worst, so stick to apples and pears. Others have tried cinnamon, which is also reported to cure acid reflex aside from other diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You can sprinkle about one half teaspoon of cinnamon in warm water
Cinnamon sprinkled in plain bread can also help. Cinnamon are one of those natural wonders that help normalize the digestion and controls overproduction and activity of gastric juices that causes acid reflux.

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Some holistic practitioners recommend Cardamom and Nutmeg as effective cures pointing out that these do calm the stomach because they slow down and normalize the secretion of gastric acid which causes the pain and the that bloated feeling.

Another less known cure but we know that it is as effective is deep breathing and keeping your mind off the pain while sitting still and rubbing your hand over your stomach while breathing deeply in and out. I have personally found this effective and have even felt the “warmth” in my hand transfer to my stomach. Though this may sound too “New Age” it certainly helps not to tense more when you feel pain and relax as you rub your tummy with your hand. If you are relaxed enough, you’ll feel the “heat” of your hand transfer to your stomach and he pain just disappears. Some of my friends have tried not even rubbing their stomach but simply relaxing and placing their hand over the stomach (while deep breathing) even without rubbing it.

Of course there is also the carrot cure, which means eating carrots as a remedy for acid reflux. Blended fresh carrot juice sprinkled with cinnamon are great natural remedies and so is the papaya because it is known to have the best enzymes that are good for your digestion.

The best cure however is still prevention. Thus, there is sense is eating the right amount and kind of food. Fatty and spicy foods are to be avoided and so are soda drinks.

See also  Acid Reflux - "Symptoms & Treatment"

There are times, particularly during the holidays when eating the “wrong” food cannot be helped. In times like this, bring some apples, figs or something as handy as a Cinnamon (bottle) . Nothing works better than natural remedies and it doesn’t do your health or wallet harm either.