Proper Diets for Acid Reflux

Attempting to control your acid reflux can be a nerve wracking and painful experience. Acid reflux is the increase of stomach acid, caused by certain foods, that is regurgitated up your esophagus, resulting in a painful, burning feeling. This is why you need an acid reflux diet restrictions list of those foods. The acid from your stomach also eventually damages your esophagus, and if left to continue for an extended amount of time, may result in severe damage to your esophagus tract, requiring serious medical attention. This is why acid reflux diet restrictions need to be in place.

Some health care practitioners have started their acid reflux patients on special diets that have acid reflux diet restrictions. Meaning, there are acid reflux diet restrictions that must be followed on the acid reflux diet, for it to work. One acid reflux diet restrictions on the list of acid reflux diet restrictions is consuming lighter, smaller meals. If you are not a big fan of nighttime acid reflux, this could be the most important acid reflux diet restrictions for you in the acid reflux diet restrictions.

Another key point on the list of acid reflux diet restrictions is Milk. Milk was previously thought to have soothing affects or calming affects on you or your stomach when suffering from acid reflux, however, it could not more further from the truth. Milk should be on the top of the list for acid reflux diet restrictions before bed. Alcohol is another liquid that has been listed as an acid reflux diet restriction.

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Fruits, for the most part, seem to digest well, and have done very well for acid reflux diet restrictions; however, you may want to exclude some of the more acidic fruits, such as pineapple, and lemons. These fruits may be consumed on an extremely low frequency because of the acid reflux diet restrictions in place.

Acid reflux diet restrictions extend to the types of food you consume, even the texture is important. You may ask yourself what that could possibly have to do with acid reflux diet restrictions, and the answer is — if you eat foods that are sharp or rough such as some hard foods.

Spicy foods are another one of the acid reflux diet restrictions, considering the irritation they would cause to your already sore and raw esophagus. Although they taste good, the damage they would result in would not be worth it. The initial stage of recovery, directly following clearing your diet with acid reflux diet restrictions, is perhaps the most important stage. Your body is not only clearing out the bad food, but also giving your esophagus time to heal, and two other practices, smoking and drinking alcohol, are both acid reflux diet restrictions due to the fact that they relax your throat and allow easier rising of the stomach acid up your esophagus.

Keeping the acid reflux diet restrictions in mind will serve you in the long run by helping you heal yourself, and get back on the right track to good health and a better diet.