5 Natural Remedies for Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine is an intensely addictive substance, and the painful effects of caffeine withdrawal can include headache, fatigue, muscle pain and nausea. Caffeine addictions can usually be broken in a week, but for many the caffeine withdrawal symptoms are too intense to make it through the whole week. Natural remedies for caffeine withdrawal can help make the transition easier.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that constricts the blood vessels in the brain. Caffeine withdrawal headaches are caused by a sudden swelling of the blood vessels, and may develop into a severe migraine. Caffeine withdrawal headaches can occur just a few hours after the last caffeine intake. After a week without caffeine, these headaches, as well as the other withdrawal symptoms, should subside. Pain relievers often contain caffeine, so they may provide temporary relief, but they may cause other adverse side effects and can interfere with your attempt to cut caffeine. Below are five natural remedies for caffeine withdrawal. Try these before you reach for the aspirin.

1. Gradual Decrease With Ginseng

It is often beneficial for people to quit caffeine gradually. This can lessen the caffeine withdrawal symptoms and make the transition to a caffeine-free life much easier. Start by monitoring your daily caffeine intake and then consciously decrease it by a set amount each day. If you are a coffee or soda drinker, try switching to green tea, which has a much lower caffeine content.

As you gradually decrease caffeine consumption, try adding ginseng to your coffee or taking ginseng supplements. Caffeine naturally constricts the blood vessels, and ginseng naturally opens the blood vessels. Caffeine headaches are caused by swollen blood vessels, so ginseng is not a good natural remedy for caffeine withdrawal once a headache has started, but it can be used as a preventative method to help the vessels from being shocked when the constricting substance is removed from the system.

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2. Magnesium and Calcium Supplements

One of the natural remedies for caffeine withdrawal that is gaining attention is magnesium. Caffeine depletes the body’s natural supply of magnesium, and many people find instant relief from caffeine withdrawal symptoms by taking magnesium supplements. In order to properly process magnesium, the body also needs a certain level of calcium, so it’s best to choose a supplement that contains both minerals. Consuming foods that are high in magnesium may also provide some relief from caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Foods high in magnesium include almonds, artichokes, black beans, buckwheat flour, cashews and spinach.

3. Right Nostril Breathing

A recent study by Svyasa University tested the physiological effects of traditional yogic breathing techniques. One of these, right nostril breathing, may be used as a natural remedy for caffeine withdrawal. Right nostril breathing is done by gently pinching the left nostril closed and breathing only through the right nostril for several minutes. The study found that right-nostril breathing produced an increase in oxygen levels in the body, an increase in blood pressure and an increase in blood glucose levels. Essentially, this type of breathing acts as a natural stimulant and mimics the effects of caffeine in your system. It causes the blood vessels in the brain to constrict, which can balance the swollen vessels, providing a natural remedy for caffeine withdrawal headaches. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms may also result from a decrease in blood sugar, and right nostril breathing can balance that as well by increasing the body’s blood sugar. The study claims that left nostril breathing had the exact opposite effects, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, so be sure to use only right-nostril breathing as a caffeine withdrawal natural cure.

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Please note that since right nostril breathing increases the blood pressure, anyone who is hypertensive or prone to high blood pressure should not attempt this method. If you experience any pain or shortness of breath during right nostril breathing, please find a different caffeine withdrawal remedy.

4. Homeopathic Herbs

There are a number of homeopathic herbs that can serve as caffeine withdrawal natural cures. I recommend a mixture called “Caffeine Free” made by Liddell Laboratories. It is a liquid and you place drops under the tongue. It contains a combination of herbs that soothe nerves, relieve anxiety and ease mood swings. Most homeopathic caffeine withdrawal remedies contain small amounts of caffeine; enough to ease your headache, but not enough to compromise your addiction. They function in the same way as traditional pain relief medicines, but are all-natural. Homeopathic caffeine withdrawal remedies should be used only according to the directions and for short periods of time. Most people report instant relief when using this type of caffeine withdrawal remedy. Check the Homeopathy section of Whole Foods or your local natural foods store for homeopathic herbs to relieve caffeine withdrawal.

5. Restorative Yoga

A restorative yoga practice can be a useful caffeine withdrawal natural cure if you are experiencing fatigue, muscle pain and minor headaches. High-intensity yoga practices should be avoided during this time, but restorative yoga promotes gentle passive postures and relaxing meditation that can soothe and pamper your body as it adjusts. It rejuvenates you if you’re feeling fatigued and relaxes you if you’re feeling stressed. In a restorative yoga class, you may massage your own feet, rest in gentle stretching poses while propped up by blankets and pillows or gently roll your neck in relaxing circles. Restorative yoga can relieve tension, settle the mind and help you conquer addiction.

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While yoga inversions such as forward fold, headstand and downward-facing dog are often recommended to treat tension headaches, all inverted poses should be avoided if you are experiencing a caffeine withdrawal headache. Since caffeine withdrawal headaches are caused by swollen blood vessels in the brain, inversion postures can worsen the headache by bringing even more blood into the brain. As a natural remedy for caffeine withdrawal, choose gentle sitting and supine postures instead.


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