My Top Ten Funny YouTube Video Picks

Some of the videos on this list may be well known and highly viewed. Others, perhaps lesser viewed and lesser known. All are worth watching again and again for the pure entertainment value. Whether you are having a bad day, or just want a quick laugh; here is a list of My Top Ten YouTube Funny Video Picks; in no particular order.

Click on the name of the video in order to view it.

10- Evolution of Dance
Amazing and skilled dancing comedian brings back memories of past dance fads in a most entertaining and hilarious way.

9- Potter Puppet Pals in The Mysterious Ticking Noise
The series of the Potter Puppet Pals is really cute, witty, and funny; but to date, this one takes the cake. Extraordinarily clever and entertaining. Beware: there are some rip off versions which are lame and naughty in nature.

8- Funny Cats
Several videos have this name, but many are unique. This one is special due to the cat vs dog, and cat vs bear parts! Too funny!

7- (More) Funny Cats
I am a sucker for the funny things animals do, and admittedly, cats seem to be the most entertaining animals to watch.

6- Internet Tech Support
If you have ever worked in Internet Tech Support or needed it, this video is for you! So true to life it is rib-tickling funny.

5-Jim at the DMV
A clip from the TV show TAXI. It seems that anything featuring ‘Jim’ in it on TAXI is bound to be a hoot. Tip: When Jim begins talking about the Mouseketeers, watch Tony Danza who is standing behind him.

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4- Speaking of the DMV: Getting Over on the DMV Part 1
The first of two prank videos made by the same people. Unbelievable, true, and totally funny. Even better is that it points out a serious flaw in the driver’s license re-issue system for the State of Virginia.

3- DMV Driver’s License Prank Part 2
This is a continuation of the pranks from Getting Over on the DMV Part 1. Same guys, more insanity, creativity, and laughs. What is even more hysterical is that their pranks made the news. See it here. Comments from the makers of the prank videos may be found here.

2- Needs More Cowbell
This SNL skit about the Blue Oyster Cult song ‘Don’t Fear the Reaper’ featuring Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell is an all-time Internet favorite, as well as the foundation of some Internet mythology. Watching Will Ferrell dance around with his belly hanging out while beating the tar out of the cowbell is tear-making hysterical. It is so funny that even a couple of the actors lose it mid-skit. Oh, and to clear things up, Gene Frenkle is not a real person. The tribute to him at the end was part of the gag. It is cleared up on wikipedia here.

1- Herding Cats
It’s a commercial for, but so hysterical that you just don’t care it’s a commercial. Something you may not know is that this video is one in a series from Some others are:
Running with the Squirrels
A take-off on the running of the bulls even held in Pamplona, Spain each year.
An amazing commercial which supposedly shows an airplane being built in mid-flight with passengers aboard. Great special effects work.
How secure is your system? Funny and clever commerical.
Clever ad which shows appearances can be deceiving. Now if only I could get a $400 an hour job!

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The Classic Internet Video that drove many people to begin checking out online videos, and birthed a sequel:
Numa Numa and New Numa – The Return of Gary Brolsma
