MRI’s Black Powder Nitric Oxide: The Pro’s and Con’s

As far as my bodybuilding career is concerned, I’ve always tried to stay clean with my food and supplements. The usual; healthy fats, lots of protein, good carbs: all spread throughout the day, properly proportioned between six or seven meals. Supplements, arguably, are also key to a bodybuilder’s lifestyle. As such, I’ve tried out plenty of supplements, both naturally occuring (such as creatines, horny goat weed, etc.) and not so naturally occuring like Black Powder.

What bothers me the most about all the other reviews I’ve seen on Black Powder is the extreme contrast between the avid supporters and the “haters.” The avid supporters claim there’s nothing like it on the market and all the other Nitric Oxide supplements fall short. The “haters,” more often than not, claim Black Powder as nothing more than a glorified engergy drink whose caffeine produces all the results rather than the Nitric Oxide itself. While I may not be Black Powder’s biggest band waggon fan, I can say this: I’ve tried plenty of other supplements, and Black Powder produces results that many others fall short on.


  • A noticeable increase in “pump” during exercise
  • Increased energy
  • Mass gain while on a cutting diet


  • Limited to short term effectiveness (not a good supplement to take for 60 days without cease).
  • Chalky texture
  • Not the best flavors
  • Need I say it? High amounts of caffeine may make you regret using it for your 7 PM workout.

With this supplement, there is a middle ground. As mentioned above, Black Powder DOES work, it just doesnt work for extended periods of time. I’ve tried it two different ways. The first, taking it without any breaks, before every workout. The second, taking it once or twice a week. I can tell you this much, it’s much, MUCH more effective if taken once or twice a week before your workouts than before EVERY workout. Taken using this method, I noticed increase in muscle mass over a period of six weeks all while burning fat. As for the taste (I prefer blue-rasberry), though not my favorite, I’ve had a lot worse as far as supplements go. With the results you’ll see it’s definitely worth the buy.

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