MRI Brain Scan: What it Feels Like

When my migraines grew suddenly worse, my doctor ordered an MRI brain scan. Though a migraine sufferer since childhood, I had never had an MRI of the brain and I was a little worried. I vaguely knew that claustrophobics, of which I am a vivid member, have a hard time undergoing an MRI brain scan. I also knew that MRI scans are loud and, going in with a migraine, I was worried that I would not be able to stand the noise. I was also worried about the injection of contrast since my veins are small and hard to find.

So what did it feel like getting an MRI brain scan? It was not as bad as I thought and, in hindsight, could have been even easier. Here’s a synopsis of my experience getting an MRI brain scan, to help you or a loved one with your upcoming appointment.

What Should You Wear for Your MRI Brain Scan?

When you dress for your appointment try to wear clothes that have no metal in them. This means no zippers or metal buttons, no underwire bra, no metal belt. Dress warmly, as the MRI room will be chilly to keep the equipment cool. If your clothes are free of metal, you will likely be allowed to stay in your clothes during the MRI brain scan rather than change into a hideous hospital gown. You will, obviously, be asked to remove your shoes, so wear a nice, warm pair of socks. And women, be sure not to wear any makeup.

Should You Wear Jewelry for Your MRI Brain Scan?

It’s best to leave your jewelry or expensive watch at home. If you have rings that are difficult to remove, use baby oil to remove them before you go for your MRI brain scan appointment. It is possible that you will be given a locked cabinet in which to leave your personal belongings at the MRI center, but it is simpler if you have nothing to remove in the first place.

What About Metal in Your Body?

If you have any metal implants, shrapnel or bullets in your body, or any other metal that you cannot remove, be sure to advise the MRI center before your MRI brain scan appointment.

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What Should You Bring for Your MRI Brain Scan?

I highly recommend bringing a good pair of ear plugs with you. An MRI brain scan is very loud, and although many MRI centers will give you a pair of cheap earplugs, these will likely do little to help. You can find better earplugs in your pharmacy. In addition, if you have small veins (as I do), bring a small heat pack with you and keep it over your arm. This will warm your vein and help make it noticeable for the nurse who will inject you with contrast, required for some MRI brain scans.

What Should You Eat or Drink Before Your MRI Brain Scan?

The last thing you need during your MRI brain scan is a full bladder or upset stomach. Be sure to void your bladder right before your appointment and eat a snack that will keep your stomach from churning or growling if you grow nervous.

Should You Take Any Precautions Before Your MRI Brain Scan?

Aside from voiding your bladder, it’s a good idea to prepare your back for lying on a hard slab for up to one hour. Therefore, if you have back pain, take your pain medication in advance, or stick a pain-numbing patch over the affected area.

What Does the MRI Machine Look Like?

The MRI is a long white tube that’s hollowed at the center. A narrow slab extends from the hollowed center and this is where you will lie down. Once ready, the slab (with you lying on it) will be pushed inside the hollow white tube.

What Does the MRI Brain Scan Slab Feel Like?

Lying on the hard slab can hurt your back after a while. The MRI center will likely give you a curved pillow for your neck. This will keep your head fixed in one place. You will probably be given a pillow under your legs too, which will help somewhat with back pain. My nurse covered me with a warm blanket just before my MRI brain scan started, which was soothing.

Will My Head be Strapped During the MRI Brain Scan?

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Once your head is rested on the curved cushion, you will be asked to insert the earplugs into your ears. At my MRI center, I could have chosen to have earphones on with my favorite radio station. I preferred the earplugs however. Next, a firm cushion was pressed against each of my ears, and the cushion was in turn pressed into place with a vise. This fixed my head straight, with me looking up.

Will Anything Be Placed Over My Head During the MRI Brain Scan?

An open plastic cage was placed over my head, to keep me from raising it or moving in any way. Over the cage was suspended a small tilted mirror. Through this mirror I could see the length of my body and my feet. I could also see the rest of the room beyond and the nurse moving around. This simple trick was put in place to reduce feelings of claustrophobia once you’re placed inside the MRI tube.

What Should Claustrophobics Do Not to Panic During the MRI Brain Scan?

You will slide into a white, closed tube and soon loud noises will surround you-a claustrophobic’s nightmare. But there are things you can do to help control the feeling. For one thing, be sure to close your eyes before you slide into the MRI tube. Without the visual picture of your cage, you can pretend to yourself that you are not trapped at all. Second, the tilted mirror directly over your eyes will blot your surroundings, should you open your eyes during your MRI brain scan. You will see the room beyond rather than the closed tube around you. Finally, the earplugs or music will deaden the noise around you.

My Experience with the MRI Brain Scan

My MRI took an hour and a half, because the nurses had a terrible time finding my vein for the second portion of my MRI brain scan. I was cold and dehydrated. Eventually, by placing a heat pack over my arm, a doctor was able to find the vein and inject the contrast necessary for the MRI brain scan.

I was sorry I didn’t bring good earplugs with me, and I was even more sorry I hadn’t gone to the bathroom beforehand. But I was happy I had kept my eyes closed from the moment the nurse told me she was going to slide me into the MRI machine. Later, when I looked at the MRI tube, I saw the confined space I had spent over an hour in. Seeing it beforehand would not have helped.

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While the MRI brain scan was going on, I distracted myself from the loud noises and tremors of the slab I was lying on by thinking of my dogs and the people I love in my life. I tried to think of amusing things, that made the time pass.

Final Advice

If you move during your MRI brain scan, the images will have to be taken again. Therefore, it’s important to be prepared to lie still for about 1 hour. In addition, if you will have to get up for any reason during your MRI of the brain, your MRI results may be affected. Future images may not be taken from the same angle as the previous ones, even if you try to reposition your head exactly as before. In short, once your head is locked in the vise, it has to stay so until the MRI brain scan is over.

How Long Before MRI Brain Scan Results Are Ready?

The doctor charged with reviewing the MRI brain scan will write a summary report of his findings. This report will be shared with your referring doctor. In addition, you can pick up a copy of your MRI CD or films, depending on your doctor’s preference. In my case the MRI brain scan was done late on Friday afternoon. The films were ready the next day (Saturday), and the report was faxed to my doctor on Monday late morning.

If you suffer from migraines like me, here’s the wisdom I culled through the years-living with migraine headaches.