Nitric Oxide Leads to Decrease in Heart Attacks and Strokes

Most Americans over the age of 40 have a 50 percent chance of having a stroke or heart attack in their life time. Here is the good news, there is a new discovery that can keep your arteries clear, your blood pumping through your body like a Hemi engine, and your heart healthier than ever.

This particular discovery was so revolutionary and important that it won a Nobel Prize in Medicine. This discovery does not involve the use of surgery, drugs or high-tech procedures. This is the surprising part of this discovery, and the discovery involves a natural chemical that your body produces.

Nitric Oxide, the chemical that your body produces, can help prevent strokes and heart attacks in four ways.

* Nitric Oxide lowers your cholesterol 10 to 20 percent.
* Nitric Oxide reduces arterial plaque by 50 percent.
* Nitric Oxide reduces blood pressure, allows blood to flow more normally, and expands blood vessels.
* Nitric Oxide controls platelet functions so that the platelets do not clump and form blood clots.

Not only can Nitric Oxide prevent heart attacks and stokes, though opening the increasing blood flow and open blood vessels’ nitric oxide can relieve impotence. There are many popular impotence drugs that work by increasing the nitric oxide levels.

You can increase your nitric oxide levels in the blood by taking two nutritional supplements that are available at any health food store.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that has a positive effect on the inner lining of your blood vessels and on your blood flow. L-Arginine has to be combined with another amino acid called L-Citrulline in order for L-Arginine to enter the cells of your body more easily.

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In numerous studies at prestigious research centers like the Mayo Clinic, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline have been proven as an effective means for the prevention of heart diseases and strokes, but there are very few doctors who will prescribe them to their patients. Over the years and decades, there have been many effective cures available, but it has taken that long before they have become accepted by the medical community.

For eleven years the medical field ignored the Heimlich Maneuver, developed in 1974, before they decided the maneuver could help save countless choking victims. Another example of such items that can help cure illnesses is antioxidants. Antioxidants were discovered in the 1940’s and it wasn’t until the 1980’s that the medical community accepted the powers of what antioxidants could do for their patients.

The sad thing is that 60 percent of all doctors’ take nutritional supplements, but do not recommend them to their patients. This is due to the fact that they are hesitant to talk to their patients about antioxidants or nutritional supplements.

You can find more information such as this through a report called “Healing Secrets Doctors Don’t Tell You.” The forward-thinking doctors that reveal these hidden secrets in this report use these cures for everything from migraine headaches to high blood cholesterol.