Motivational Weight Loss Visual Aids to Use with Your Weight Watchers Plan

Are you one of those Weight Watcher members who can’t seem to find the motivation you need to stick with the plan? Sometimes when you’re trying to lose weight, you lose sight of your goals and need a little reminder or pick-me-up. Here are several motivational weight loss visuals you can use to aid you in your Weight Watchers program and keep you on the fast track to reaching your ultimate goal.

Motivational Weight Loss Visual Aid #1

Choose a picture of yourself at your heaviest weight to remind you of what you don’t want to go back to. Or you could choose a picture of a slimmer you or a slim celebrity to remind you of what you’re trying to accomplish.

Hang this picture on your closet, bedroom, or refrigerator door, or on your bathroom mirror. Whenever you feel like putting off exercise or going over your points allowance by eating that huge hunk of chocolate cake, look at that picture and visualize yourself at your goal. Think of how good you’ll feel and all the compliments you’ll get when you finally reach it.

Motivational Weight Loss Visual Aid #2

Sometimes it’s hard for people to visualize how much body weight they’re actually carrying around, so print out or make your own chart that compares body weight and food ingredient weight. For example, a pound equals 4 sticks of butter, a sack of potatoes equals 10 pounds, and 3 gallons of milk equal 25 pounds. So every time you lose 10 pounds, you’ve lost the equivalent of a sack of potatoes… and the closer you come to getting out of clothes that look like they could fit several sacks of potatoes!

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Motivational Weight Loss Visual Aid #3

You might dream of being able to fit into your old high school clothes or a new swim suit. If so, hang that outfit where you’ll constantly see it. Even if you just want to be able to fit into an outfit when you reach your next goal (one that isn’t your ultimate goal), then use that as a motivational baby step and take it out of the closet.

Motivational Weight Loss Visual Aid #4

Maybe there are some things you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime that you’ve never done or haven’t done for a long time due to your weight. It could be that you want to go swimming but you hate how you look in a swimming suit and won’t go to a public pool. Whether you can’t physically do something or you won’t physically do something because of shameful feelings about your body, write down a list of what you want to accomplish and hang it some place where you can look at it every day. The refrigerator door or bathroom mirror might be the best places.

These are just some motivational weight loss ideas you can use to help keep you on track, or get you back on track when you fall off. These aids, in addition to treating yourself when you reach your goals, can help make weight loss less of a bumpy road for you in the future.