10 Reasons Why Weight Watchers Works!

Most of us are either on a diet, or should be! So it’s no surprise that weight loss books and programs are in high demand. Weight loss is big business. So with all the weight loss options out there, Weight Watchers still has the best plan around. Quite simply Weight Watchers works!
Here’s why:

1. Weight Watchers becomes a new way of eating, it’s not just a diet – For any “diet” to work, it must become second nature. It must be something you can stick to – not just for a few weeks or months, as you loose weight – but for the rest of your life. The Weight Watchers program is just that. Can you honestly say that about a diet that requires you to buy their precooked meals or drink a liquid shake? I don’t think so! So the Weight Watchers plan prepares you for the rest of your life, not just for weight loss!

2. No food is off limits – With the Weight Watchers points plan, there are NO foods that must be completely eliminated from your diet. You are in charge of your choices. It’s a customized program just for you – based on your priorities, your tastes and your lifestyle. You can even plan it to include your favorite foods if you want. Sure, the program does require that members exercise moderation and portion control. But if you want a piece of chocolate, pizza or cheesecake on the Weight Watchers program, you can have it. You simply need to count it, and adjust your daily or weekly food intake accordingly to accommodate those points. It puts you in control, and I love that!

3. Weight Watchers teaches – Since many of us yo-yo dieters seem to gain and lose the same 10-25lbs over and over again, it stands to reason that there may be some part of dieting and maintenance we don’t fully understand. So Weight Watchers incorporates “teaching moments” into their program. With other attendees sharing their real life situations and solutions, together with the Weight Watchers staff, Weight Watchers members hear about what works and why, as they navigate their weight loss. The Weight Watchers plan teaches participants vital information and skills needed to manage their weight program for life. The introductory member packet and weekly handouts are fantastic basic materials geared to helping us understand the scientific and mental aspects behind weight loss. We learn (and relearn) how to cook, how to shop, and how to make great choices. Knowledge truly is power – and Weight Watchers gives its members the power to make it happen!

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4. Weight Watchers has adapted to the 21st Century – Though Weight Watchers has been around for decades, and maybe the “diet” your grandma used 30 years ago, it has adapted and modified it’s plan to be accessible for the way we live TODAY. With so many using the internet and smart phones, Weight Watchers has made it’s program and tools readily available in this new electronic world in which we now live. The Weight Watcher website is absolutely amazing, with it’s vast array of interactive tools and features. So if you have an iPhone or iPad, you can now download the Weight Watchers App to access all the tools while on the go. Now how great is that!

5. Weight Watchers makes you accountable – Having to show up at a meeting on a weekly basis to weigh in makes one accountable. Each week there’s a real person there – a trained Weight Watchers staff member – waiting to record your weight and progress. Of course, it’s completely confidential; no other attendees know your weight. But this regular required “check in” process keeps the commitment level high, and tends to keep you on track (most of the time). With Weight Watchers, a weigh-in day is always just a few days away, and consequently in the back of our mind as we consider having that tempting bowl of ice-cream or not!

6. Weight Watchers is affordable – With no expensive precooked meals to purchase, or special equipment to buy, it is reassuring to know that the best weight loss program around (in my opinion) is affordable for just about everyone. If you opt for the automatic credit card payment plan, the weekly fee works out to around $9.00 /week – quite reasonable. For that you can attend a weekly meeting, as often as you want, have access to their fantastic website, along with great tracking and meal planning tools. There really is no better deal around.

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7. Weight Watchers gives you support -Recognizing that we often need a support system in place to lose weight, Weight Watchers has built its weekly meetings as a key cornerstone in their program. Getting together regularly with a group gives members the chance to talk, and network with others. Not everyone, after all, has a built-in network of supportive friends and family with whom they can talk about the challenges and struggles of losing weight and keeping healthy. And if you’re the shy introverted type, no one will ever make you talk and share at the meeting. Over time, the other meeting attendees become your cheerleaders and friends, as together you celebrate and cheer each others losses and milestones.

8. Weight Watchers is for LIFE, not just while you are loosing – One of the many little “perks” of Weight Watchers is that members at goal (weight) can continue coming for life at no cost as long as they are within 2lbs of their goal weight. Weight Watchers truly understands that getting to goal is only half the battle, staying there is usually just as challenging. By making it free, they are making it both easy and affordable to continue getting the benefits and support needed to make the weight loss permanent.

9. Weight Watchers fits the way we live – We live in families, go to work, eat out, and go to parties. The beauty and the miracle of the Weight Watchers plan is that it works with our life. We can plan our restaurant meals with their restaurant guide. We can rework our favorite homemade recipes with Weight Watchers cookbooks and helpful online tools. And yes, we can even attend our niece’s wedding and sample a piece of the wedding cake and stay within the plan. The flexibility of Weight Watchers makes it work for the crazy, varied and full lives that most of us live.

10. Weight Watchers is healthy – Though no food is technically off limits, the Weight Watchers plan will guide and lead you toward healthier choices simply because of the point system it employs. And now with the new and improved plan, almost all fruits and veggies are now “free” – meaning they have no points associated with them. So even when you are “out of points” for the day, you can still have a delicious piece of fruit as a snack. Weight Watchers essentially teaches us to eat for our health and well-being, not just for weight loss, which is actually more important. Weight Watchers is respected amongst experts and professionals the world over, as evidenced by their number one rating for both short-term and long-term weight loss (according to U.S. News and World Report). If you were to query most physicians, you will likely find that they steer their patients toward the Weight Watchers plan more often than any other weight loss program. The Weight Watchers plan encourages slow and steady weight loss, than can be maintained for life, which has been shown to be better and more sustainable. Weight Watchers encourages members to eat well, care for their nutritional needs, and get moving too.

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So as we maneuver this tempting and tasty world, and continue our battle of the bulge, isn’t it reassuring to know that we have an ally out there, ready to help us take control. Weight Watchers will be there when you are ready to make the decision once and for all to get healthy. Your new life is waiting . . . are you ready?

Disclaimer: Writer is a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, but does not have any other affiliation with this business.

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