Meal Plan for Pregnant Mothers

Your entire life changes when you find out your pregnant. If you’re a responsible person, and I hope you are since your bringing a human being into this world, then you need to make some adjustments before your child gets here. Let’s face it, parenting is not for everyone. Some would argue that reproduction is the sole reason why we are here on this planet. I am not one of those people. If you’re not going to love, and raise your child to the best of your ability nor are you financially, mentally, or emotionally capable of raising your child then you shouldn’t raise them. But let’s face it, I know accidents happen, what with kids having sex at such an early age and not using birth control and all. Pregnant women not only have to make regular visits to the obstetrician, taking of pre-natal vitamin horse pills, and a strict healthy diet.

A woman’s diet is very important when she is pregnant for she is not only feeding herself but her unborn child. A woman not only needs to increase the amount of food she is eating but also raise the quality of that food she imbibes for the sake of her child. Every woman should know that it’s acceptable to gain anywhere from 25 to 35 pounds during her pregnancy, but some women gain even more. Here’s a breakdown of where the weight comes from as the pregnancy develops. The average baby weighs 7.5 pounds, but this can shift. Extra stored protein, fat and other nutrients add another seven pounds to your weight, but is necessary for the growth and health of your baby. Another found pounds is extra blood and four pounds is reserved for other body fluids. You gain two pounds with breast enlargement, some would view this as a good weight gain, the total is now 24.5 pounds. The enlargement of a woman’s uterus, necessary to facilitate the birthing process also adds another two pounds. The amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus weighs in at two pounds and the final 1.5 pounds comes from the placenta, which totals to 28 pounds on average gained during a normal, healthy pregnancy (Dowshen).

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The connection between what a woman eats and drinks during her pregnancy is considered even closer now than originally thought, which means no amount of alcohol should be imbibed during pregnancy. Don’t think about food, but nutrients your baby will need to grow and be healthy. Remember to look at the labels of the food consumed for the recommended daily allowance of each nutrient. The RDA for pregnant is usually higher. Some of the essential nutrients needed for the health of the fetus are protein, which is needed for cell growth and blood production. Protein is most commonly found in lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, beans, peanut butter, and tofu. Carbohydrates are needed for daily energy production and are found in bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruits and vegetables. Most people know that calcium is good for strong bones and teeth, muscle contraction, and nerve function, the same goes for the health of your baby. Calcium can be found in milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines or salmon with bones and spinach. Iron is also an essential nutrient needed for red blood cell production and is found in lean red meat, spinach, iron-fortified whole grain breads and cereals. Another nutrient needed is folic acid which is needed to blood and protein production, and effective enzyme function. It is most commonly found green leafy vegetables, dark yellow fruits and vegetables, beans, peas, and nuts (KidsHealth). There are other essential nutrients. Women need to consult their doctors of what the fetus needs for development.

Also the health and the nutrient consumption of a woman pre and post pregnancy can effect the health of the baby. There has been recent research which shows that the folic acid levels prior to pregnancy helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spinal bifida, from happening during the initial phases of fetal growth. Calcium is another important nutrient. The fetal demand for calcium is high and an expectant mother should consume higher amounts of it than usual to prevent the loss of calcium from her own bones. There are foods and drinks a pregnant woman should avoid during pregnancy. These include soft, unpasteurized cheeses such as feta, goat Brie and blue cheese as well as unpasteurized milk, juices and apple cider. Raw eggs and foods containing raw eggs are also to be avoided as well as raw or undercooked meats, fish, and shellfish (Dowshen).

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It is important for mothers to watch what they eat even after the birth of their child. It’s a very stressful time, raising an infant. And a new mother will not have adequate time to rest and exercise like she should those first few months, if ever. So it’s important that she eat a well-balanced and healthy diet to maintain her health and keep her energy up to take care of her new born. A balanced diet is the best way to go about this. A suggestion is using the USDA’s My Pyramid Plan in making sure she gets enough of the essential nutrients listed previously. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and they are right, especially with a hectic schedule and erratic eating timetable. Proteins such as eggs and yogurt teamed with complicated carbohydrates such as whole grain bread and cereal will provide the mother with all the energy she will need until her next meal. Suggestions include a fruit and yogurt smoothie, a bowl of oatmeal or scrambled eggs on whole wheat bread. It is the complex carbohydrates that give you the longer lasting energy and don’t let you crash suddenly which can lead to irritability and negligence (Miles).

Another strategy is to eat several small meals throughout the day, and not just three large meals. This strategy is also recommended for those who want to lose weight which is an added benefit to the new mother who still has her birth weight. Keep the refrigerator stocked with small snacks and small high protein meals that are easy and fast to prepare and eat. This also keeps a mother’s energy levels up all day, just when she feels her energy slipping she should eat another meal. In the first few weeks after a woman gives birth it is dehydration that will exacerbate the fatigue and exhaustion she feels. So it’s very important to drink water or other healthy liquids such as juices to prevent this. A woman shouldn’t rely on sugar of caffeine which raises energy levels and then the crash. A cup of coffee and a candy bar are not the answer when she is facing exhaustion and hunger. Try some fruit and short naps instead. Sleep deprivation is an inevitable fact at this stage in life, but don’t be afraid to ask for help and take quick cat naps throughout the day. A mother’s health is important especially when considering the health of the child either pre or post the birth of her child (Miles).

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Works Cited

Dowshen, Steven M.D. 2006. “Eating During Pregnancy”. The Nemours Foundation.

Miles, Stephanie. 2009. Best Foods for New Moms: Energy Boosters.” BabyCenter, L.L.C.