5 Ways to Wake Up Energized Naturally

Waking up is usually the most dreaded part of anybody’s day, but it has to be dealt with. If you are one of the fortunate few people who wake up on the right side of the bed all bright eyed and bushy tailed, then this article is not for you. Here are 5 ways to wake up energized naturally.

1. Open Your Blinds

When you go to sleep, melatonin regulates your sleep cycle. The more melatonin you have in your body, the sleepier you will become. Your body is designed for sleeping at night when it is dark and to wake up when the sun comes up. Light causes our melatonin levels to drop so that we wake up. The darker your bedroom, the more difficult it will be to wake up. The gradual brightening that your room will get from the rising sun is the most natural way to wake up. Leave your blinds and curtains open to let in plenty of natural light.

2. Stretch

Your body has been still for 4 to 10 hours, depending on your sleep pattern, and needs to get blood to it’s muscles pumping. Not many of us want to jump right out of bed and start jogging around the room, so be sure to stretch to loosen up your muscles. Start laying down. Stretch your arms as high as they will go and your legs as low as they will go. Stretch from the tips of your toes to the tips of your fingers and breathe deeply. Then get to your feet and bend over to touch your toes. Be sure to breathe deeply and hold these stretches for counts of ten seconds. Repeat until you feel loosened up and ready to head for the bathroom.

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3. Take A Multi-Vitamin

Your body needs dozens of essential vitamins and minerals to keep alert and healthy. Many of us don’t get all of our vitamins in our regular diets because we don’t eat what is healthy, we eat what is convenient. I strongly suggest a once a day vitamin that is specifically blended for energy or weight loss. These vitamins often have energizing herbs in them that are natural and gives you a boost all day. Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Guarana, and L-Carnitine are all great herbal energy boosters. You will feel the energizing benefits of a good multi-vitamin immediately.

4. Exercise

Once you are awake, it is important to do some exercise in the morning. You can do them in your pajamas if you like. Just throw on some sneakers and jog in place while watching the morning news. Take a brisk walk around your block. Do some jumping jacks and push-ups. The activity is up to you, but you should be sweating and breathing heavy to reap the benefits of morning exercise. You may feel tired at first, but once you shower and head out the door, you will feel more energy all day. Do at least 20 minutes of exercise three mornings of the week.

5. Eat Breakfast

Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I know you have heard that before, but that is because it is true. Your largest meal of the day should be breakfast, not supper. Eat plenty of healthy carbohydrates and lean protein in the morning. Wheat toast and eggs for instance. I like Special K cereal with a boiled egg. A good breakfast gives you the energy you need to keep energized all day. You will concentrate on your day, not on your growling stomach.

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Follow these tips and you will be waking up more refreshed and energized each day. Fighting your alarm clock and abusing your snooze button can be a thing of the past. Here’s to your health!