Five Enjoyable Events for the Women’s Ministry at Your Church

Women of the church congregation are a source of strength, love, and encouragement. Individually or together, women can make grand things happen for the love of Jesus Christ. But everyone once in a while, women need a worthwhile goal to fulfill to make them feel needed, and even more often, they need a break and a little spiritual feeding of their own. If you are a women’s ministry leader, or a church leader in general, here are a few suggestions for events to host for your women’s ministry. Some may take some time and effort, but remember, they will be a blessing to you and to those that attend.

Hold a ladies’ tea party

A grown up tea party for ladies is a great way to quench a woman’s thirst and spirit. If you attend a small congregation, consider hosting the tea party at one of the member’s homes for a cozy atmosphere. Or consider hosting the event at a local community center and have members help. If you have a budget for your ministry, request that the church pays for the food and invite the congregation to host a table. Each person is responsible for bringing china, napkins and whatever other decorations they want to use at the table. At the event, they will play hostess, encouraging people to sit with them, engaging ladies in conversation, serving tea, and other special touches. If you have an economically strong congregation, consider holding the event in a party room at a local restaurant. Whichever route you decide to take, always be friendly, offer tasty snacks and tea, and invite a speaker to address a relevant topic in your community. Missionaries or pastor’s wives’ are popular choices. Great times of year to host a tea include Christmas time and Mother’s Day, but the event can be whenever you want, of course!

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Organize a Secret Sister Program

The Secret Sister program is a great way for ladies of the church to get to know each other. To get started, have a congregation member organize the program. Those interested fill out a form that includes: first and last name, address, phone number, favorite color, home decor style, favorite bible verse, age, marital status, number of children, and three things they really like. The program is kicked off with a breakfast in which each lady gets their Secret Sister, a person they will secretly encourage throughout the year. Participants can send cards or leave small presents at the church with their Secret Sister’s name of it. Suggested items include: books, bookmarks, coffee mugs, lotion, stationary, items picked up while traveling, magnets, holiday items, and other small trinkets. One thing to keep in mind though – it’s not about the present. It’s about encouraging your Secret Sister and praying for her throughout the year. One year later, another breakfast is held and each Secret Sister reveals herself. Hopefully it becomes the start of an ongoing friendship.

Plan a Girl’s Night Out

With each women being a unique individual, interests can really vary, making Girl’s Night Out something you could do once and month and never run out of ideas. Here’s a few suggestions:
-Go out to dinner or lunch
-Go shopping
-Contact your local beauty school or massage therapy school and find out if they have student clinics. Congregation members can meet there to enjoy manicures, pedicures, facials, and more, at seriously discounted rates. Find out if the place can be rented for the evening and turn it into a “Enhancing your body and spirit” event. In addition to the above services, offer light refreshments, and invite a speaker to quench women’s souls.
-Start a book club. There are plenty of contemporary Christian writer’s books to read and discuss.
-Help the needy. Choose a worthwhile organization for the women of the church to come together to help their cause through a bake sale or by serving the organization in some way.

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Start a Women’s Bible Group

If the church doesn’t have a bible group already, start one. Choose a chapter to start with (Genesis if you feel like it!) and read it prior to the group meeting. Read aloud during the meeting and then discuss it’s meaning, how it makes you feel, and address any questions participants may have. Additional resources for group members are always helpful. Make a handout with relevant information, or suggest reputable websites, videos (online or for your DVD player), radio programs, or CD-Roms.

Serve your Godly Guys

Our husbands and boyfriends work hard at home and on the job. Why not set aside a day to serve them breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the church, preferably in the gym or other large room. Make it like a restaurant or a guy’s lounge, seating them with their friend’s as they enter. Prepare favorite guy foods like chili, hot dogs, nachos with cheese, or pizza (hot or cold!). If the church has a projection system, televise the football game, NASCAR race, or whatever sport is playing that season. Give away macho door prizes and present each man with a small gift as a token of appreciation. Plants, tools, chocolate, and sports memorabilia are all great choices.