Natural Energy Boosters for Women

Life is demanding. We push ourselves pretty hard most of the time and eventually the signs begin to show. Our bodies and minds manage this wear-and-tear in a variety of ways; tiredness and fatigue are often the norm. So what is a woman to do to enhance and restore energy (and even boost metabolism)? There are five Energy Boosting Principles that address the breadth of things women, like you, can do to increase energy and vitality naturally.

These Principles are:

(1) Get oxygen
(2) Eat for energy
(3) Add supplements and vitamins
(4) Drink the right fluids
(5) Take a power relax

There are nearly as many tips and anecdotes as there are people needing an energy boost. With this in mind, it is very important that you look at the full spectrum of alternatives, and through trial and error find what works best for you. To learn a bit about each Energy Boosting Principle, please read the summary article, titled “Top Natural Ways to Boost Energy for Women” by this author. This piece will focus on Principle #2: Eat for Energy.

Eat for Energy
Eating for energy is a brief statement that covers a lot of ground. Eating for energy falls into three categories:

Small energy boosting meals and snacks throughout the day

• Smart energizing and organic foods

• Special days throughout the month to naturally cleanse the body

Small Energy Boosting Meals and Snacks Throughout the Day
Through the day, it’s better to eat fewer smaller meals than three large ones. Be sure to eat breakfast and make dinner the smallest of your meals. Power snacking is the ticket; they should be high in protein with a bit of fat. Here is a list of energy boosting mini-meals you can rely on for a pick-me-up:

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Peanut butter with an apple or on a whole-wheat cracker

• Yogurt (sugar-free) with a handful of nuts

• Raisins, with a piece of low-fat cheese

• Turkey

• Albacore tuna from a can; tucked in whole wheat pita with tomato

• Humus with veggies

• Nuts

Low fat cottage cheese (try mixing in a teaspoon of low sugar jam for a sweeter snack; it is actually really tasty!)

For a rich and extensive source of healthy (and member-rated) recipes, check out Spark People.

Smart Energizing and Organic Foods
There are foods well known for their healthy composition. It is important to weave these into your smaller meals throughout the day.

Eat organic foods; organic fruits and vegetables at the very least. Since much or our soil is depleted of essential minerals and substances, this deficiency is passed on to our foods (and then to us). Eating organically can help to reverse this process — allowing your body to absorb the nutrients it needs for both health and energy.

• Watch those simple carbs; too many of these throughout the day will leave you feeling tired and bloated

• Try a potato a couple times a week; they are rich in Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, fiber, and iron

• Eat a few carrots during the week; they are extremely high in beta-carotene, also high in fiber and minerals

• Remember to eat beans, they are an excellent source of protein and also high in iron and fiber content

• Find and incorporate some favorite “super foods” into your daily regimen; they usually contain sea minerals
from Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina, Kelp and Chlorella. Natural food stores will carry products in this category.

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Special Days
Try a few “special days” to help rid the body of excess toxins (giving way to the energy you’re looking for!). Here are three excellent special day options to try. Find your favorite and include a few times in your monthly routine, or mix it up! If you have any limiting health conditions or diet restrictions do not try without consulting your doctor first.

Egg and grapefruit day: Eat a total of six eggs and two whole grapefruits throughout the day (remember 8-10 glasses of water and your multi-vitamin!)

Protein day: Eat only low-fat protein and salads (no carrots or tomatoes; use minimal amounts of low-fat dressing only; remember 8-10 glasses of water and your multi-vitamin!)

Fasting day: No solid foods; drink organic fruit juices throughout the day (remember 8-10 glasses of water and your multi-vitamin!)

On a final note, always be sure to get plenty of rest. It seems that getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night is increasingly difficult. Aim for this at least a few nights a week. And, for the days when you do not, be sure to put your feet up at some point during the day and relax a bit. Your body truly is a sacred temple, and it is the only one you’ve got; so take good care of it!

If you have any questions, you can contact this author directly. Please feel free to include any energy boosting tips that have worked for you by posting a comment.
