Lose Weight Doing In-Home Walking with Leslie Sansone

When a friend first told me about Leslie Sansone’s in home walking program, I was skeptical. It sounded a little too easy. How could I possibly lose weight doing something so easy? Then she showed me some of the steps and even brought the video in for me and my other co-workers to try during lunch. I was hooked.

In home walking is a great supplement to your usual workout routine. It involves a combination of about five to six basic steps and a few exercises for your arms. You mostly walk in place, do kicks, leg lifts, step side-to-side, and walk forward.

There are also an occasional deviation like lifting your leg behind you and squats. The nice thing about it, is you change your steps often so you don’t get bored and your muscles don’t get too tired from being overworked. At no time during the routine do I ever feel like I am going to drop over from exhaustion. I just feel a little challenged which is what a workout is meant to do.

Each of Leslie’s DVD’s are labeled 1 mile or 2 mile which literally means if you were walking outdoors to the pace of the music, you’d be 1 or 2 miles away. The best part – you don’t even have to leave your house. Now I’ll be the first to admit that I love walking outdoors in the sunshine on a brisk autumn day, enjoying the chirping of the birds and the kaleidescope of colors on the trees during fall.

But what about those frosty winter days when snow is piled high? Or how about when it is raining? Leslie’s in-home walking prevents me from bailing out on exercise since I can’t go outside. With Leslie’s routine, I can “walk” right in my own family room, and ultimately lose weight.

See also  Leslie Sansone Workout Videos

I’ve packed on a few extra pounds because I was busy with school and didn’t “workout” with Leslie as much as I should have. However, the last time I gained weight about two years ago, I diligently spent time walking with Leslie and lost about 15 pounds over the course of the summer. It felt great and it was so easy. I plan on doing that again to get rid of this pesky extra weight.

The nice thing about Leslie is she is real. She’s a healthy, vibrant, slender woman. But she’s not too skinny and doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself just looking at her like some of the over bubbly twenty-something aerobic queens. She’s encouraging and not intimidating. You actually feel like your friends with her which makes it less difficult to commit yourself to doing the exercise.

The music the routine is set to is enjoyable too. Some of her routines are set to upbeat, modern Christian music that gives you a little “church” during your workout. When you are done, you feel like your body and your spirit have been fed.

I’d highly recommend trying Leslie’s in-house walking. You’ll feel inspired and encouraged to walk off those extra pounds.

**Please check with your doctor before starting any new workout routines, particularly if you have health issues. I don’t want any one getting hurt and neither would Leslie Sansone!
